Monday, December 16, 2024


It bothers me a lot when some fundamental items become so scarce at home and everyone is crying and begging the northerners .

This was the case of cucumber until some Nenwe families in the 2000s were forced  to relocate at home by BH then they tried planting the crop .Bingo!.it grew very well at home ..Right now it will soon become one of our 'Nenwe  export' crops if the security agencies prevent the new wave of  Fulani herdsmen destructions anyway.

Now it is the *Onions* that has become gold to the southerner.Maybe we are waiting for another emergency to force us to plant them.

We are in a rain tropical area  blessed with different soils and altitudes therefore Capable of growing almost all sorts of crops. During the war when the North severed relationships with us we grew more *88) and "ahadja oghe ogologo* (denominated Biafran Beans ). This beans is now going into extinction  and will invariably affect the popular *igbagidi Nenwe* that people come from far to buy. You didn't  know this kwa?

Our soil right from Enugu to some parts of Nenwe some parts.of  upper lands of Mgbowo and Ndiagbor and Awgu will be good for these plants. I cannot say much about Oduma because of water logging of the soil. Agric specialists can say better.

However it is a plant that you can grow in your house inside sacks and buckets instead of crying because of Ndi ùgwù..  I planted two pepper 🌶️ plants in two differents pots on a balcony and had more pepper we needed in a family of 5 for the  two Consecutive years they were there . The same with onions. My temp  tenant from Nike planted *ogwume* (which is a weed  in Italy though) and had to give out some .

What I wonder and most people overseas wonder is what has happened to the hands of most of our people at home.

 While growing up in Nenwe Carrots and onions were grown in Nenwe precisely at county by one *Charlie Okụkụ* . Charles okụkụ was the agric fellow of County that kept a poultry in the '60s which fed the students. He also planted these crops which we thought he used *magic ndi collage* (tech)  to grow at a altitude of HRH Ifeanatus home going towards the road to Obulorum but before  the lower lands and swamps near the ebọ that were always easily flooded and waterlogged. Anyone Enya ruru ali may remember this poultry and farms in the late 60s.

It's just a shame we always lose initiatives at home and find reasons through  inconceivable things,persons and situations.

I shall post on the Nenweonlie University methods how you can grow your own onions in Nenwe within 100 days.

Good morning.



Il massaggio Shiatsu che si effettua tramite la pressione delle dita, dei palmi delle mani e dei piedi e dei gomiti su tutto il corpo, agisce sui punti energetici considerati dall'agopuntura. Stimola la circolazione sanguigna ed il flusso linfatico, agisce sul sistema nervoso allentando la tensione muscolare più profonda, rimuove le tossine dei tessuti, risveglia il sistema ormonale e sollecita la capacità di autoguarigione del corpo.


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