Saturday, May 4, 2019



It is in human  nature  and more  the  African culture to talk good of  and show  positive  emotions about  someone  when  we  miss him especially through death, but  Augustine  was  a  man talked  good  of  when he  was  alive. He  was  a good  man  he  was  a man of peace.

 My  first  encounter  with Augustine Duru  was  in the  80s  at the Pontifical university in Rome. He was  specially  endeared  and loved  by  most of  the  fresh students  from Africa because  he was  always  there  to give  you   that brotherly, smile, look, and  advise   which were and are still  the most valuable  things  to anyone arriving Europe from Africa; things that no amount  of  money  can  buy. He  was trusted by the younger ones  and  he  never for  once  disappointed  nor deceived  anyone. Everyone in our  university  then would  attest to this.  He  was  a brilliant student  and  a man of the people : He was  a good  man.

In around 1983 he wedded  his  beautiful wife Felicia in the city of Marino and  most of  us  in the faculty were very proud (showing love)  to attend  the  wedding of this our  great brother who was  forming a  family.

He  was an Igboman to the core: silently working very hard   to  take great care of  his  family. A peaceful family that was  blessed  with two children. In the  community he was one of  the  elders  that almost  every president of Nigerian associations  and Igbo community  must have availed  themselves   with his good  guidance  and advise  during  great decisions.   During my double  tenure as the President of the Igbo Community in Rome/Lazio  he  didn’t attend  all the sessions  but there was  no great decision  that  he  was  not consulted  before   they were made. He  was  one of the Igbo community ‘backbones’ and  reflecting on those  years   I reckon that his advise to me then  during difficult times   were always ,for  reconciliation, peace, and non-punitive dictions  in most cases  he  mediated. I trusted  him and his counsels . The  Igbo community will miss Augustine  Duru greatly.

We  separated due  to work  and distance  but never forgot  each other however  our  mutual respect continued within us,  a respect that was  confessed  when  my brother in-law C.J  told me  he saw an Igbo girl to marry. When he mentioned her name (AdaezeDuru) I told him  he had my blessings , before I could place a phone call to Augustine to ask for the hand of his only daughter  he already blessed the marriage on hearing my name  and relationship with the suitor. We both  probably were secretly looking of  a way to continue  the good relationship that started in the University and  these young people   made it  for  us. I was  physically present in his  Village  home  to do all the Igbo traditional marriage  rites. He  was magnanimous, gentle and all the people who came  from Enugu state and Ebonyi  to marry Adaeze loved  him and the wonderful  welcome  he  gave  to us.  He gave me  Adaeze  and I will always respect and protect his princess as  I promised him that rainy day in his village. Dear  Augustine , As  you  continue  the journey I want  to reassure you that Adaeze  has  continued  to represent  you  and your family  well as an authentic Adaeze in our family and  your  wife Felicia  has been  a true  queen. We  shall never disappoint you and  your expectations.

As you continue  the journey we  shall all miss you in the  Igbo /Nigerian communities, your wife , children (Angelo and Adaeze) , your grand children, Aaron,Ifeoma, and Ashley  will miss you. Nenwe, Enugu and Ebonyi people  will miss your smiles. The great Owerri  community will miss you , but  we are all consoled that one  day all good  men will meet again.

May your gentle soul rest in peace  with  God, Amen.

From  your Friend and Inlaw

 Chief  Charles Okey. Chukwubike


Rome Italy




Il massaggio Shiatsu che si effettua tramite la pressione delle dita, dei palmi delle mani e dei piedi e dei gomiti su tutto il corpo, agisce sui punti energetici considerati dall'agopuntura. Stimola la circolazione sanguigna ed il flusso linfatico, agisce sul sistema nervoso allentando la tensione muscolare più profonda, rimuove le tossine dei tessuti, risveglia il sistema ormonale e sollecita la capacità di autoguarigione del corpo.


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