Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Dossier immigrazione 2008
Caritas, dossier immigrazione
in Italia quasi 4 milioni i regolari
Sono il 6,7% della popolazione; 1,5 milioni di lavoratori, 800mila iscritti al sindacato
In 500mila lavorano in nero. Molti sono imprenditori. Contribuiscono al Pil per il 9%
La stima nel rapporto stilato con Migrantes al di sopra della media Ue e dei dati IstatComunità romena la più numerosa, aumentano i minori e gli studenti
Nell'ultimo anno la popolazione straniera è aumentata di circa mezzo milione e la comunità straniera più grande, raddoppiata negli ultimi due anni, è quella romena con un milione di presenze stimate. Il 62,5% degli immigrati si trova al nord (oltre 2 milioni), il 25% al centro (poco meno di un milione) e circa il 10% nel mezzogiorno (quasi mezzo milione).
Gli immigrati nel territorio. La stima sulla presenza degli immigrati regolari in Italia varia quindi dai 3,5 milioni di residenti accertati dall'Istat e i 4 milioni ipotizzati dal dossier, ma per entrambi la popolazione immigrata è aumentata di diverse centinaia di migliaia di unità. Secondo il rapporto Caritas/Migrantes in Italia risultano presenti 3.987.000 persone regolarmente registrate. Gli immigrati sono uno ogni 15 residenti in Italia e uno ogni 15 studenti a scuola, ma quasi uno ogni 10 lavoratori occupati; inoltre, in un decimo dei matrimoni celebrati in Italia è coinvolto un partner straniero, così come un decimo delle nuove nascite va attribuito a entrambi i genitori stranieri.
Comunità romena la più numerosa. La comunità romena, raddoppiata nel giro di soli due anni, conta 625 mila residenti e, secondo le stime del dossier quasi un milione di presenze regolari. Al secondo posto gli albanesi con 402 mila presenze e subito dopo i marocchini a quota 366 mila. Mentre intorno alle 150 mila unità si collocano le collettività cinese e ucraina. In termini percentuali gli europei rappresentano il 52% del totale degli stranieri residenti in Italia, gli africani il 23,2%, gli asiatici il 16,1% e gli americani l'8,6%. Secondo le stime del dossier la regione con il maggior numero di stranieri regolari è la Lombardia (953.600 presenze pari al 23.9% del totale), seguita dal Lazio (480.700 pari al 12,1% del totale) e dal Veneto (473.800 pari all'11,9% del totale).
Popolazione minorile in aumento. Nel 2007 sono nati 64.000 bambini da entrambi i genitori stranieri e, se si tiene anche conto dei minori che vengono per ricongiungimento, emerge che la popolazione minorile aumenta in Italia al ritmo di 100.000 unità l'anno; i minori stranieri residenti sono 767.060, dei quali ben 457.345 di seconda generazione, ovvero nati in Italia e gli studenti figli di immigrati aumentano al ritmo di 70.000 unità l'anno sfiorando le 600.000 nell'anno scolastico 2007-2008 (574.133). Sono poco meno di 100 mila gli studenti romeni (92.734), albanesi (85.195) e marocchini (76.217), quasi 30.000 i cinesi, 20.000 gli ecuadoriani, 15.000 i tunisini, i serbi e i montenegrini.
Il lavoro e il sindacato. In Italia lavorano circa un milione e mezzo di immigrati, che rappresentano il 10% degli occupati in diversi comparti soprattutto al nord. A Brescia un lavoratore su cinque è nato all'estero. A Mantova, Lodi e Bergamo uno su sei. A Milano, uno su sette. In tutta la Lombardia quasi la metà dei nuovi assunti (45,6%) è nata all'estero. Un segnale della trasformazione radicale del mondo del lavoro riguarda le iscrizioni al sindacato: i tesserati immigrati hanno ampiamente superato la cifra di 800 mila lavoratori. Mentre la percentuale di iscritti al sindacato sul totale dei lavoratori è del 5%, la percentuale sul totale degli iscritti tra i lavoratori attivi raggiunge ormai il 12%.
Almeno 500mila lavorano in nero. Il dossier stima che almeno mezzo milione di stranieri sono già insediati e inseriti nel mercato del lavoro nero, seppure sprovvisti di permesso di soggiorno. Il lavoro nero fra gli immigrati, osserva il rapporto, "è enormemente diffuso non solo presso le famiglie ma anche nelle aziende con un'ampiezza sconosciuta negli altri paesi industrializzati. In tre anni (2005-2007) è stato presentato circa un milione e mezzo di domande di assunzione di lavoratori stranieri con un'incidenza rispetto alla popolazione straniera già residente che va dal 10% al 25% nel 2007 (ma addirittura del 33% rispetto ai lavoratori stranieri già occupati).
Imprenditori. L'85% delle aziende con titolari immigrati è stato costituito dal 2000 in poi. La collettività straniera che vanta tra le sue fila il maggior numero di imprenditori è quella marocchina, con 20 mila figure di questo tipo. Subito dopo arriva quella romena, tuttora in forte crescita, seguita dalla comunità cinese. Anche gli imprenditori albanesi non sono pochi con le loro 17 mila presenze. Il grosso dell'iniziativa degli immigrati che decidono di mettersi in proprio si concentra tra l'edilizia e il commercio: per entrambi i settori risultano quattro imprese su dieci.
Ricchezza prodotta e spesa sociale. Secondo una stima di Unioncamere, gli immigrati concorrono per il 9% alla creazione del Pil, tre punti in più rispetto all'incidenza sulla popolazione. Gli immigrati hanno un costo in termini di servizi e assistenza: i Comuni italiani spendono specificamente per gli immigrati il 2,4% della loro spesa sociale (nel 2005, ultimo dato disponibile, 137 milioni di euro). Tenendo conto che gli immigrati sono fruitori anche di servizi a carattere generale, si può stimare che attualmente per loro si possa arrivare a una spesa sociale di un miliardo di euro, ampiamente coperti dai 3,7 miliardi di euro che, secondo una stima del dossier, assicurano come gettito fiscale.
Raddoppiate le cittadinanze in tre anni. In tre anni, sono raddoppiati i casi di cittadinanza di stranieri: nel 2007 ad acquisire la cittadinanza italiana sono stati 38.466 stranieri. Il dato italiano è comunque uno fra i più bassi nell'Ue dove sono 700 mila i casi di cittadinanza registrati in Europa, quasi 2 mila al giorno.
La criminalità. L'analisi congiunta delle statistiche giudiziarie e penitenziarie relative agli anni Duemila porta a queste conclusioni: gli immigrati regolari hanno all'incirca lo stesso tasso di devianza degli italiani. Gli addebiti giudiziari sono più ricorrenti per gli immigrati irregolari. La maggiore preoccupazione va riferita alle "mele marce" delle diverse collettività immigrate e alla criminalità straniera organizzata, che sta prendendo piede anche in collaborazione con le organizzazioni malavitose locali.
Il dossier Caritas/Migrantes. E' diventato negli anni un punto di riferimento obbligato per tutti coloro che si occupano della tematica. Per certi versi è ormai una fonte prioritaria, anche se nel passato sono state sollevate polemiche a proposito delle cifre. Nel dossier di quest'anno la questione viene affrontata direttamente, spiegando anche i criteri adottati e contribuendo quindi a svelare il mistero delle cifre dissonanti rispetto a quelle ufficiali dell'Istat e del ministero dell'Interno.
Chukwubike Okey C.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Do we still write?
Hit HERE for the story of the Onitsha market literature phenomenon.
Click HERE to see the bibliography(101) of the pamphlets and HERE for to have access to 21 digitalized pamphlets in a digital library.
Many thanks to the University of Kansas for the archives and all those who put these materials on the net.
Charles.O Chukwubike
Sunday, October 26, 2008
In those early school days I had in many occasions ‘curioused’ into some of them with my friend. She was the typical type that wanted to see everything. All strange things ,do strange things especially doing usual things at unusual places –Manheim –Düsseldorf boats, Frankfurt-Berlin flights, Koln cathedral, Heidelberg castle, night buses etc. I do not think hell fire is as close as they say or she would have paid and tried to see how it would feel experiencing ….….there . Too ‘strange’ for her youthful age. However, no regrets; God must have pardoned all since then, It don far well well and remember “..father pardon them for they do not know what they are doing….” better done then than now.
Last Thursday at this town on Appian road I was flagged down by the ‘Squadra mobile’ (anti crime police ) who claimed my speed makes me suspicious -135km per/hr instead of the maximum 80km/hr on that road which can be translated to minus 5 points on my licence . I denied their claims and rather claimed I was moving within limits. I was sure almost all anti crime squads may have all equipments in the world to fight criminals in their car but do not carry about simple court acceptable speed measuring instruments therefore there may not have a legally acceptable prove of my speed. They were almost right though..shhhhhhhsss. I was saved further embarrassments and arguments by an officer who arrived there and turned to be someone who worked with me once in an anti prostitution campaign (he was almost falling in love with a young Benin (teeneger) girl who was always giving him troubles during operations).
Sorry for living my SEXY SHOP story, but the short of it was that the scene of this show was opposite a nice Sex Shop and it brought back a lot of memories and questions. What type of people work in a sex shop? i.e their psyche ? Their physical constitution? I wonder if someone like me can last for two hours inside such a place without causing havoc to people or myself at least hahahah, probably it may have ‘the nudist beach effect’ on me. As a boy we ‘curioused’ to the nudist beach south of Ostia Lido (Rome) with Obi, Luca, Paolo etc, we were the only few that wore pants. I thought I would be embarrassed to hell by some enraged cobra under me …. But the opposite was the case: The embarrassment was the size of the frightened and embarrassed cobra… hahahaha
Do we have SEXY SHOPS in Nigeria?
I wonder why I am always on duty all the days the time has to be changed, especially in October when it has to go an hour backward.
The one hour is unpaid because you sign off by 8am and the officer coming in the morning after an hour extra cool sleep signs in by 8 am also......... It is unfair..........a daylight or do I say a mid-night robbery.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
This is the Olive harvesting period in most Mediterranean areas Production of Extra vergin olive oil in such little cold water press factories replace the old family hand press that esisted.The oil is almost 100% cholesterol free.
The cakes 'wastes' from these cold water press productions are sent to bigger factories who then press them again and with other agents extract the very ones in our supermarkets labeled 'extra vergin olive oil'
Sunday, October 19, 2008
In the recent period I have talked , debated, written with or even ‘spied’ on many Nigerian women, especially those overseas on some issues concerning their families and it is very curious their high levels of superstitious believes.
One thing common in most of the ladies and two big questions I would like someone to assist me with answers are .
- Why are all the witches troubling their families are either ‘housemaids’ or mother-in-laws?
- Why are mothers not witches to their daughters but may chose to witch hunt their son’s families?
- There are a lot of other questions that may seem to be somehow banal or simple or banal , but I am still to understand them
- Why is it that the ‘NEW CHRISTIANS’ are highly hunted by witches and are very much afraid of them to the point that most prayer periods are focused on calling on other powers to fight the witches (mostly mother-in laws)’
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The River
The River A preacher was completing a temperance sermon: with great expression he said, "If I had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river." With even greater emphasis, he said, "And if I had all the wine in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river." And then, finally, he said, "And if I had all the whiskey in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river." He sat down. The song leader then stood very cautiously and announced with a pleasant smile, "For our closing song, let us sing Hymn #365: 'Shall We Gather At the River.'" |
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The independence was very much on my mind because of the increase dose of patriotism which I am trying out once more, therefore we planned to meet with some of the Nigerian kids that spent two weeks holiday with us in August; I continued with this mini project while some of my colleagues waited for the ‘usual’ annual invitation from the Embassy, ( I know how KINGDOMS function) so I cared less, however, I won the bet with my theories on Kingdoms. They got no invitations this year!!!; Some felt bad because they do not know how Kingdoms function. In my next post I will say more of what I have learnt from the italo_naija lots of this old but new KINGDOM in Rome.
As I drove to a shopping complex on the 30th September ,my new dose of patriotism was somehow pricked by some scene that I never imagined in Italy. Italy where I have seen more that 15.000 Nigerian prostitutes (hustlers they call themselves),where all known and unknown deviant cults in Nigeria are having growing proselytes, Italy with more Nigerian Pentecostal churches than in Nigeria herself, Italy that ever male Nigerian is regarded as a liar, ‘pusher’, trickster or a potential ‘underground junior Mafioso’; Italy also where the Nigeria community is regarded as the most schooled ; a paradox.
We may be everything and can be expected to be getting to other levels but I never had the bad sensation I had when I saw a group of Nigerians (young, handsome, healthy) boys calling on cars at the parking lot of that mall the way some “ALAYE BOYS” do in Lagos. They beckoned on me with the typical vulgar Nigerian hiss you only hear in Lagos, (the sort some old Fulanis use to recall errant cattle to the flock) with fake accompanying bowings and genuflections still typical of what you see among Eko ruffians and in some other regions of Nigeria. All these for an exchange of some coins or to return your trolley for the coin inside it. This was not a bad thing per se compared to other comportments of Nigerians here , I just couldn’t contain the exportation of this way of life which I suppose we can do without here. I was particularly angered because they were very nice looking youths …Nigerian future and hope…?
They woke me up from my sleep, infringed my dream and the little dose of patriotism I was administering to my ‘patriotism pack’ throughout this period.
They rushed on me and the following conversation ensued :
Boy Ciao
Me . how no?
Boy. You speak English?
Boy. You be Naija?
Me . before nko?
Boy . haaa omo naija miiii
Me you?
Boy. I be Yoruba
Boy I be igbo
Boy I be edo
Boy I be urobo
Boy I be edo
Me, OK ,me I be igbo.. Enugu state ..wawa man.
Boys laughs…. hahaha
Boy . I think don see you before . You be police ?
Me. Nooooo.
Boy. But I saw you working with the immigration police at the station?
Boy. Even me I remember I don see you the time they rescue us from water from Libya come Italy for Sicilian sea side You enter military vehicle that day.
Me. Yes na me . Every person wey dey work with police no be police. Police dey under ministry of Internal affair and no be only them dey there, and other international agencies handle refugee matters.
Boys. Ok bros we for say oooo!! Haa police people no be good people oo.
Me. But na them rescue you guys .
Boys. That one be true sha
A lot of their problems were discussed before I went to do my shopping. They were seven but two never cared to come close , they were busy hawking or begging for money which they exchanged with stockings, napkins etc.
When I came out two gently came to help me with my bags. One of them saw in the bag some cavolfiori ..(cauliflower). And this sparked another discussion on cross-cultural nutrition /food .
Boy. Ahh Oga you dey chop this thing?
Me . yes my brother you no like am?
Boy. Noooo. God no gree. That thing sabi smell oo. I no go even enter house wey them cook am.
Me. Na the same story. I had the same story when I came newly., now I even pay to eat it in the restaurant .
Boy. You mean you use your sweated money to order and eat this?
Me . yes. no be the same as to come buy am here and cook.
Boy. Bros na him be se you don stay too much for this oyinbo country , you don become one of them oo, no go home remain youooo.
Sincerely I couldn’t contain my laughter. I gave them my card and some addresses for assistance and left.
Meeting these 5 Nigerian (Libyan boys- name for those entering through the desert and sea) really deflected and altered my dreams of Nigeria and that my new dose of patriotism, but I must admit it was fun talking with them. Nigerians can be fun and sincere in telling you their mind if you are able to relax them quick in a communication.
Lets continue the dream.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Autobus per soli italiani
Marocchina 16enne picchiata da gruppo: «Si è seduta su bus in posto di italiani»
Secondo gli investigatori si tratta di un episodio di bullismo tra adolescenti e non di razzismo
VARESE - Il nome di Rosa Parks vi dice qualcosa? In Italia forse no, ma negli Stati Uniti tutti sanno chi era. Il 1° dicembre 1955 l'afro-americana Rosa Parks si rifiutò di alzarsi da un posto «riservato ai bianchi» su un autobus di Montgomery (Alabama). Fu la scintilla che diede il via alle manifestazioni antirazziste guidate da Martin Luther King. Ebbene, un episodio simile è avvenuto venerdì scorso (ma si è saputo solo domenica) a Varese, anche se per gli investigatori non ha una connotazione razzista.
POSTO NON SUO - Una ragazza marocchina di 16 anni è stata picchiata in un raid da alcuni suoi coetanei, almeno sette. Il gruppo voleva «punirla» in quanto giovedì si era seduta su un autobus in un posto «non suo in quanto non italiana». L'episodio è stata denunciato dal padre della ragazza ai carabinieri, i quali hanno denunciato a piede libero con l'accusa di lesioni una delle presunte ragazze del gruppo, una 15enne che vive nel Varesotto. Al momento non vi è contestazione di aggravanti come le finalità di discriminazione razziale, perché in ambiente investigativo si tende a ritenere la violenza un episodio di bullismo fra adolescenti. La vittima, aggredita vicino alla stazione ferroviaria di Varese, è stata soccorsa dai volontari dei City Angels che operano nella zona ed è quindi stata portata al pronto soccorso per diverse contusioni. Il gruppo l'ha circondata per strada e pare che a picchiarla più pesantemente sia stata proprio una delle ragazze.
12 ottobre 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
STOP RAZZISMO ROMA [ 04 OTT 2008]by chukbyke
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I HATE MY JOB.......
When you have an 'I Hate My Job day'
[Even if you're retired, you sometimes have those days]
Try this out On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the thermometer section and purchase a rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson
Change into very comfortable clothing and sit in your favorite chair. Open the package and remove the thermometer. Now, carefully place it on a table or a surface so that it will not become chipped or broken.
Take out the literature from the box and read it carefully. You will notice that in small print there is a statement:
'Every Rectal Thermometer made by Johnson &Johnson is personally tested and then sanitized. '
Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times,'I am so glad I do not work in the thermometer quality control department at Johnson &Johnson.'
.........Remember, if you haven't got a smile on your face and laughter in your heart...Then you are just an old sour fart; Maybe you should go and work for Johnson &Johnson!!!!!
I think we should be trying to find ways to solve problems and not compound it. I am getting older and the older I get, the more I want real answers to some of the questions I have had since the 80s when I began to realize what was lacking in Nigerian towns.
I agree with the suggestion that we should talk about real issues facing our people. I think the biggest is lack of good medicine, the second is lack of infrastructure/technological advancement to compete in the global market place, and the third major one is the lack of love for other fellow Nigerians by those on top. If one really loves another as they love themselves, they will wish for that person to have what they have such as the good things in life. Jesus commanded us to do so. This is exclusive of tolerance for blatant sin or crime.
There are other problems but I will stay with the subject of medicine that I enjoy and because of my concern about health matters. I have heard of and seen several incidences that leave me wondering when a real solution is going to begin in medicine.
A relative died in a car crash. They said it was the work of witch craft. There was no ambulance to take her to the hospital. Why?
Another relative got involved in a car crash and broke his shoulder joint. They say it was the work of witch.
2 weeks ago, a nurse yanked off a new Born's arm from his shoulder during delivery, the mother thinks it is a broken scapula or shoulder blade, the husband is confused and thinks it could be both but they are both sure the arm is displaced from its socket. Up until now, 2 weeks later, in Lagos, the hospital has not called to checked on them. In the meanwhile, the child cries all day and night.
A cousin went to the hospital for stomach infection or something. The hospital refused him treatment because the mother could not come up with the money they were asking for at the time. He died.
4 of my male cousins were said to be sick of something at different times within the last 2-3 years. 3 from same parents and another from another, and they all died. The one that was in his teen years died earlier (a few years back), 2 were in their 20s and another in his 40s. The mother of the three boys sometimes wonders what really happened.
Another female cousin went to the hospital to deliver a baby and did not make it back. Similar situation was the case for my in law.
50% of the patients in the ward at Agbor, I hear, are amputees from Okada falls. They say bad luck followed them but I say it is from the bad roads and no means of transporting them quickly enough to the hospitals to salvage the limbs.
My uncle's wife tried to give birth to twins a few years ago and it was bye bye to her and the twins in the hopital.
One of my cousin went to fix a catarrach and came back with half past four eye. She was undoubtedly the most beautiful girl in my town until that happened. That led to low self esteem that led to other details I care not to give here.
There are several others like a woman with aids who gave birth t a child without AIDS but was allowed to breast feed her newborn until he got HIV and AIDS and died.
What can we do to provide better education for our doctors in Nigeria and medical technology with which they can work effectively?
People are afraid to visit Naija because most fo the people they know are dead. Can we change that for the junior ones coming up to make it possible to see their friends at age 70, 80, 90, and maybe 100?
Diseases are leaving a lot of our nieces and nephews orphans, fatherless or motherless. What does the future hold for these kids? Are they dying because we have more bacteria than other parts of the world, more careless health habits, witches, poverty, no love from the politicians at the top, untrained doctors, less medical tools to work with, bad roads, infected or damaged foods from no preservation methods, lack of it, or inadequacy of it? Do our people not deserve to see great great great grand children?
I am praying for us and I wish more can be done.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
(some pictures from the-- Stop Racism day in Rome. Tomorrow a link will lead
you to more than 120 news/story pictures on the picture to enlarge)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
French Muslims Find Haven in Catholic Schools
Franco Zecchin for the International Herald Tribune By KATRIN BENNHOLD Published: September 29, 2008 MARSEILLE, France — The bright cafeteria of St. Mauront Catholic School is conspicuously quiet: It is Ramadan, and 80 percent of the students are Muslim. When the lunch bell rings, girls and boys stream out past the crucifixes and the large wooden cross in the corridor, heading for Muslim midday prayer. "There is respect for our religion here," said Nadia Oualane, 14, a student of Algerian descent who wears her hair hidden under a black head scarf. "In the public school," she added, gesturing at nearby buildings, "I would not be allowed to wear a veil." In France, which has only four Muslim schools, some of the country's 8,847 Roman Catholic schools have become refuges for Muslims seeking what an overburdened, secularist public sector often lacks: spirituality, an environment in which good manners count alongside mathematics, and higher academic standards. No national statistics are kept, but Muslim and Catholic educators estimate that Muslim students now make up more than 10 percent of the two million students in Catholic schools. In ethnically mixed neighborhoods in Marseille and the industrial north, the proportion can be more than half. The quiet migration of Muslims to private Catholic schools highlights how hard it has become for state schools, long France's tool for integration, to keep their promise of equal opportunity. Traditionally, the republican school, born of the French Revolution, was the breeding ground for citizens. The shift from these schools is another indication of the challenge facing the strict form of secularism known as "laïcité." Following centuries of religious wars and a long period of conflict between the nascent Republic and an assertive clergy, a 1905 law granted religious freedom in predominantly Roman Catholic France and withdrew financial support and formal recognition from all faiths. Religious education and symbols were banned from public schools. France is now home to around five million Muslims, Western Europe's largest such community, and new fault lines have emerged. In 2004, a ban on the head scarf in state schools prompted outcry and debate about loosening the interpretation of the 1905 law. "Laïcité has become the state's religion, and the republican school is its temple," said Imam Soheib Bencheikh, a former grand mufti in Marseille and founder of its Higher Institute of Islamic Studies. Imam Bencheikh's oldest daughter attends Catholic school. "It's ironic," he said, "but today the Catholic Church is more tolerant of — and knowledgeable about — Islam than the French state." For some, economics argue for Catholic schools, which tend to be smaller than public ones and much less expensive than private schools in other countries. In return for the schools' teaching the national curriculum and being open to students of all faiths, the government pays teachers' salaries and a per-student subsidy. Annual costs for parents average 1,400 euros (less than $2,050) for junior high school and 1,800 euros (about $2,630) for high school, according to the Roman Catholic educational authority. In France's highly centralized education system, the national curriculum proscribes religious instruction beyond general examination of religious tenets and faiths as it occurs in history lessons. Religious instruction, like Catholic catechism, is voluntary. And Catholic schools take steps to accommodate different faiths. One school in Dijon allows Muslim students to use the chapel for Ramadan prayers. Catholic schools are also free to allow girls to wear head scarves. Many honor the state ban, but several, like St. Mauront, tolerate a discreet covering. The school, tucked under an overpass in the city's northern housing projects, embodies tectonic shifts in French society over the past century. Founded in 1905 in a former soap factory, the school initially served mainly Catholic students whose parents were French, said the headmaster, Jean Chamoux. Before World War II, Italian and some Portuguese immigrants arrived; since the 1960s, Africans from former French colonies. Today there is barely a white face among the 117 students. |
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