Sunday, August 31, 2008


L'amicizia libica costa cinque miliardi di dollari

Scritto da Angelo D'Addesio
domenica 31 agosto 2008
E' stata un'amicizia dura da conquistare quella fra l'Italia e la Libia, ma a quanto pare sembra sancita definitivamente dal Trattato di Amicizia e Cooperazione, a suon di miliardi di dollari, ben 5, che l'Italia sborserà in modo scaglionato per i prossimi 25 anni al paese africano, come risarcimento compensativo per la pesante aggressione subita nel 1911 e perpetuata fino al 1943, durante gli anni del dominio coloniale.

In questo accordo Muammar Gheddafi ha sfogato tutto il sentimento di umiliazione suo e della popolazione libica, uccisa durante il biennio 1911-1912 in sanguinosissime battaglie nel deserto, oppure deportata nella repressione che ne seguì, in cui il 50% della popolazione civile furono spinti alla prigionia, alla fuga nel deserto ed al confino nelle isole italiane, tra cui numerosi parenti del leader libico, come il nonno ferito a morte ed il padre gravemente menomato. Eppure questo accordo sancisce anche il definitivo rientro della Libia nel panorama delle potenze africane emergenti sul piano economico, energetico oltre che storico, al fianco dell'Egitto, della Nigeria e del Sudafrica.

Dopo il grande isolamento, l'avversione degli Usa, gli anni della guerra fredda, oggi la Libia può contare sulla riappacificazione statunitense, su un seggio provvisorio all'Onu e sul rapporto di timore/rispetto con l'Unione Europea. Il rapporto con l'Italia, poi, è dettato da interessi reciproci che vanno molto al di là dei semplici corsi e ricorsi storici. L'accordo sottoscritto dal premier Berlusconi a Tripoli, configura non solo un risarcimento danni ma rafforza anche la serie di notevoli investimenti italiani in Libia: la costruzione della grande autostrada litoreanea Tripoli-Bengasi, lunga 2000 km per un costo di 6 miliardi, ricalcante la vecchia Via Balbia, la prima grande strada in Africa, di ideazione italiana, che unificava la Tripolitania e la Cirenaica, la costruzione lungo il tragitto di numerose infrastrutture, la costruzione di due nuovi grandi ospedali, la predisposizione di un piano di miglioramento scolastico con borse di studio per studenti libici in Italia ed indennizzi per mutilati di guerra e la restituzione delle opere d'arte trafugate in Italia, fra cui la Venere di Cirene, già consegnata durante l'incontro ed oggetto di un contenzioso chiusosi in favore libico, con una sentenza del Consiglio di Stato, il giugno scorso. Passi in avanti anche per la restituzione dei visti per i 20.000 italiani cacciati dalla Libia dopo il golpe nel 1970, sebbene i rimpatriati non siano del tutto in sintonia con la scelta del governo.

Dietro tutto questo, il cartello delle grandi imprese energetiche ed edili impegnate in fruttuosi accordi ed il rafforzamento del partenariato sull'immigrazione. Proprio lo scorso anno l'ENI ha ottenuto il rinnovo per 25 anni delle concessioni per l'estrazione di gas e petrolio e la medesima si farà carico dei costi per la costruzione di autostrada ed altre infrastrutture. Altri lavori coinvolgeranno Impregilo, Finmeccanica, perfino l'Università di Palermo che ha instaurato preziosi rapporti con quella di Bengasi. Infine l'ultimo grande contrappeso per l'Italia è il rafforzamento dell'accordo sottoscritto da Amato nel 2007, ovvero pattugliamenti congiunti di Italia e Libia nel canale di Sicilia e intensificazione dei controlli, anche a mezzo radar, ai confini con Ciad, Niger e Sudan, collaborazioni con guardia costiera e forze dell'ordine.

La guerra ai "mercanti di schiavi" passa per questo accordo, anche se fino ad una settimana fa l'emorragia di immigrati dalla Libia è proseguita ed un peschereccio con 48 persone è partito dalle coste della Tripolitania ed è stato riportato in Libia qualche giorno dopo e la soluzione dei respingimenti in mare non è umanamente la migliore, visto che il regime di Gheddafi non ha di certo mano tenera con i profughi che per legge sono destinati ai centri di detenzione per un certo periodo di tempo, dove solo quest'anno, sono finite 60.000 persone. La speranza è tutta in una cooperazione energetica ed in un aiuto efficace sull'immigrazione, nulla più della linea seguita dai governi precedenti. Solo il tempo potrà dire se sarà valsa la pena e se questo precedente non porterà Eritrea e Somalia in futuro (e non sarebbe uno scandalo, anzi l'Eritrea sembra intenzionata in questa direzione) a seguire l'esempio del vicino libico.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Il ricongiungimento dei parenti di cittadini italiani

Le leggi:

Le attuali leggi in materia d'immigrazione (legge 30 luglio 2002, n. 189, pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 199 del 26 agosto 2002 e successive modifiche), meglio nota come Bossi-Fini che modifica la legge Turco-Napolitano (D.Lgs. 286/98 pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 191 del 18 agosto 1998 - Supplemento Ordinario n. 139), stabiliscono puntualmente le regole ed i procedimenti necessari a tutti i cittadini di paesi terzi per l'entrata e la permanenza nel territorio dello Stato italiano.

Le leggi citate impongono gravi limitazioni all'ingresso ed al soggiorno nel territorio dello Stato italiano per tutti i familiari di cittadini di paesi terzi regolarmente soggiornanti nello stesso; ad esempio, non è consentito il ricongiungimento del cittadino di paese terzo con i propri genitori che non abbiano compiuto i 65 anni e con altri figli residenti nel paese d'origine; non è consentito il ricongiungimento del cittadino di paese terzo con i propri figli se di maggiore età, etc. .

Le stesse limitazioni non trovano invece applicazione nel caso di cittadini di Paesi terzi familiari di cittadini italiani/comunitari, come si evince dai seguenti decreti:

  1. Decreto Legislativo 25 luglio 1998, n. 286, Art. 1 (Ambito di applicazione), comma 2. Il presente testo unico non si applica ai cittadini degli Stati membri dell'Unione europea, se non in quanto si tratti di norme più favorevoli, e salvo il disposto dell'articolo 45 della legge 6 marzo 1998, n. 40.

  2. Decreto Legislativo 25 luglio 1998, n. 286, Art. 28 (Diritto all'unita' familiare), comma 2. Ai familiari stranieri di cittadini italiani o di uno Stato membro dell'Unione Europea continuano ad applicarsi le disposizioni del decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 30 dicembre 1965, n. 1656, fatte salve quelle più favorevoli della presente legge o del regolamento di attuazione.

  3. Decreto Legislativo 25 luglio 1998, n. 286, Art. 30 (Permesso di soggiorno per motivi familiari), comma 4. Allo straniero che effettua il ricongiungimento con il cittadino italiano o di uno Stato membro dell'Unione europea, ovvero con straniero titolare della carta di soggiorno di cui all'articolo 9, e' rilasciata una carta di soggiorno.

  4. Il D.P.R. 1656/1965, oggi è sostituito dal DPR 54/2002, Art. 15. (Abrogazioni), comma 1. E' abrogato il decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 30 dicembre 1965, n. 1656.

  5. Il D.P.R. del 18 gennaio 2002, n. 54, Art. 3 (Diritto al soggiorno), comma 3. Per i soggetti indicati alle lettere a), b) e c) del comma 1, il soggiorno e' altresì riconosciuto, quale che sia la loro cittadinanza, ai coniugi, ai figli di età minore e agli ascendenti e discendenti di tali cittadini e del proprio coniuge, che sono a loro carico, nonché in favore di ogni altro membro della famiglia che, nel Paese di provenienza, sia convivente o a carico del coniuge, degli ascendenti del lavoratore e degli ascendenti del suo coniuge.

  6. Il D.P.R. del 18 gennaio 2002, n. 54, Art. 5 (Richiesta della carta di soggiorno), comma 4. con la domanda, l'interessato può richiedere il rilascio della relativa carta di soggiorno anche per i familiari di cui all'articolo 3, commi 3 e 4, lettera b), quale che sia la loro cittadinanza:

    • il coniuge non legalmente separato ed i figli di eta' inferiore agli anni diciotto;

    • i figli di maggiore eta' a carico, gli ascendenti e discendenti delle persone di cui alla lettera a) e del coniuge che siano a loro carico.


    Dall'analisi dettagliata dei decreti di legge citati emerge quanto segue:

    • I familiari di cittadini italiani e dei loro coniugi, qualsiasi sia la loro nazionalità, compresi genitori e figli di maggiore età, propri o del proprio coniuge e che siano a carico dello stesso, senza altre limitazioni, hanno diritto di ingresso nel territorio dello Stato italiano.

    • I familiari di cittadini italiani e del loro coniuge, qualsiasi sia la loro nazionalità, hanno diritto alla carta di soggiorno (CdS) se entrati per ricongiungimento con il cittadino italiano.

    Nota: restano comunque valide le limitazioni di accesso per comprovata pericolosità per lo Stato italiano nei confronti del cittadino straniero, che ne impedirebbero l'ingresso ed il soggiorno sia in materia di ordine pubblico sia sanitario, motivo unico per cui i cittadini di Paesi terzi sono comunque soggetti al rilascio del visto di ingresso.

Esempi pratici:

    • Il coniuge del cittadino italiano, che sia cittadino di Paese terzo, ha diritto al rilascio immediato della Carta di Soggiorno (CdS).

    • Dietro richiesta del cittadino italiano, i genitori del coniuge che sia cittadino di Paese terzo, possono essere ricongiunti nel territorio dello Stato italiano senza dover richiedere il nulla osta alla questura.

    • Su richiesta del cittadino italiano, i figli minori o di maggiore età del coniuge di paese terzo, possono essere ricongiunti senza nessun nulla osta della questura, con il consenso dell'altro genitore o dimostrando la sua assenza.

Carta di Soggiorno:

    La Carta di Soggiorno (CdS) è un documento rilasciato dal Questore che consente ad un cittadino di Paese terzo di soggiornare all'interno del territorio italiano ed ivi entrare ed uscire con condizioni simili a quelle di un cittadino italiano. La CdS consente inoltre l'ingresso nello spazio Scenghen senza bisogno del visto per periodi non superiori a 3 mesi.

    La CdS può essere di due tipologie, la prima a tempo indeterminato (di seguito CdSe), la seconda valida per un periodo di 5 anni e rinnovabile a tempo indeterminato (di seguito CdSc). La CdSe viene rilasciata ai cittadini extracomunitari che dimostrino la loro permanenza sul territorio per un periodo di tempo superiore a 6 anni; accade che la stessa CdSe venga rilasciata erroneamente a cittadini di Paesi terzi familiari di cittadini italiani, i quali hanno invece diritto alla CdSc. I familiari extracomunitari che siano familiari di cittadini italiani, in quanto tali, ereditano tutti i diritti dei cittadini comunitari.

    La CdSc può essere revocata solo per motivi gravi, pertanto la distinzione tra CdSe e CdSc non è solo accademica ed è importante che ai soggetti interessati venga rilasciata l'esatta tipologia.

Esempio pratici:

ricongiungimento dei suoceri minori di 65 anni con altri figli nel paese di origine;

    La richiesta di ricongiungimento deve essere fatta dal cittadino italiano direttamente al consolato italiano del paese terzo dei suoceri, dovranno essere presentati i seguenti documenti:

    • Modulo di domanda visto (richiedere Visto Nazionale tipo D valevole 365 giorni ingressi multipli);

    • Dichiarazione del cittadino italiano che desidera ricongiungere i suoceri;

    • Foto

    • Copia del CdS/PdS del coniuge del cittadino italiano

    • Fotocopia del passaporto dei suoceri

    • Fotocopia del documento di identità del cittadino italiano

    • Estratto dell'atto di matrimonio del cittadino italiano

    • Certificato di nascita con generalità del coniuge del cittadino italiano

    Il visto deve essere rilasciato nella stessa giornata o comunque entro pochi giorni dalla data di richiesta, come previsto dalle disposizioni del MAE in conseguenza delle disposizioni europee.

Le norme di attuazione del D.P.R. 54/2002:

    Voglio sottolineare il fatto che ad oggi non sono state ancora rilasciate le norme di attuazione relative al D.P.R. 54/2002, questo comporta l'attuazione della precedente disposizione del D.P.R. 1656/1965 con la quale non è consentito il ricongiungimento con i fratelli e le sorelle anche per il cittadino italiano.


  • Cittadino comunitario: Persona che detiene la cittadinanza di un paese dell' Unione Europea;

  • Cittadino di paese terzo: Persona che non detiene la cittadinanza di un paese dell' Unione Europea;

  • Visto: targhetta adesiva da applicare sul passaporto del cittadino di paese terzo che autorizza quest'ultimo all'ingresso sul territorio di un paese dell'Unione Europea.

  • Permesso di soggiorno: Documento che dimostra la facoltà di un cittadino di paese terzo al soggiorno sul territorio nazionale per un periodo limitato di tempo e con alcune limitazioni rispetto al cittadino comunitario:

  • Carta di soggiorno: Documento che dimostra la facoltà di un cittadino di paese terzo (oppure di un cittadino comunitario cittadino di un altro stato membro dell'UE rispetto allo stato emettente la carta di soggiorno) al soggiorno sul territorio nazionale per un periodo prolungato o illimitato di tempo con parità di diritto rispetto ai cittadini comunitari;

  • Cittadino regolarmente soggiornante: Cittadino di paese terzo in possesso di un permesso di soggiorno o di una carta di soggiorno:

  • Ricongiungimento: procedura amministrativa con la quale la famiglia straniera di un residente in Italia (comunitario o di paese terzo) appunto si ricongiunge con quest'ultimo trasferendosi sul territorio nazionale;

Gaddafi given title 'king of kings'

Gaddafi given title 'king of kings'

by World_Groove August 29, 2008 at 08:49 pm

Whether to cheer or cry has typically been the dilemma when considering anything that has involved Qadhafi over the last three to four decades.

A recovering revolutionary and terrorist, he's been in and out of rehab for these vices for nearly 30 years while floundering about with his "Third Universal Theory" of government, which makes Libya a theoretical democracy with its Jamahiriya system ( A state of the masses).

.....And now finally what every former revolutionary dreams of....Being King

A meeting of more than 200 African kings and traditional rulers has bestowed the title "king of kings" on Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

The rulers, wearing gold crowns, sequined capes and colourful robes met in the Libyan town of Benghazi in what was billed as a first of its kind.

Col Gaddafi urged the royals to join his campaign for African unity.

Africa's political leaders are lukewarm about his vision of merging their powers to create a single government.

"We want an African military to defend Africa, we want a single African currency, we want one African passport to travel within Africa," Col Gaddafi told the assembled dignitaries, who come from countries such as Mozambique, South Africa, Ivory Coast and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

As once stated by a man of immense wisdom "It's good to be the King"

Not to mention it is good to be a man with 30 good looking Virgin female bodyguards.....but that is another story for another time.

"The people believe in the chiefs and kings more than they believe in their governments"

It is easy to find all the faults with the old leader, but what is more fascinating is to take a look a bit deeper at the infrastructure he has created in Libya.

But who can resist a smirk when you see him trudging about these days in a rustic brown cloak looking every bit the very aged rock star meets Jedi Master.

And now for your amusement we bring you this 80's classic :

Song Lyrics: Libyan on a Jet Plane
(Pinkard & Bowden)

(Tune of 'Leaving on a Jet Plane)

There's so many times we've crashed and burned,
Seems like the colonel would finally learn
Our Russian jets don't make good submarines.
We fly out to protect our nation,
And use seat bottoms for flotation.
The water's warm, and we're good swimmers too.

So kiss me and smile for me,
Call my folks in Tripoli,
Tell them that Khadafi made me go.
I'm a Libyan on a jet plane,
I don't know if I'll be back again.
Muammar, I hate to go.

Aircraft carrier J.F.K.
Come to blow our chemical plant away,
But we keep telling them it's just pharmaceutical.

So miss me and pray for me,
Bow down to the East for me,
Kneel and gently kiss my butt good-bye.
I'm a Libyan on a jet plane,
Don't know if I'll be back again.
Libyan on a jet plane,
Don't know if I'll be back again.

And for those of you wondering about the bodyguards

Libyan strongman Colonel Gaddafi flew into Paris for a state visit escorted by 400 aides, including 30 female bodyguards, all of whom are said to be Virgins.

According to The Sun, each of these bodyguards is a camouflage-clad trained killer who will protect him around the clock.

The entourage, which arrived on five planes, also includes a fleet of armour-plated limos, a camel and a heated tent in which he will stay on the grounds of the Hotel de Marigny. rench President Nicolas Sarkozy invited Gaddafi after Sarkozy's estranged wife Cecilia persuaded Libya to free six Bulgarians sentenced to death earlier this year.


Mugabe hands Olympic medalist $100,000 cash reward

Fri Aug 29, 12:38 PM ET

HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe on Friday handed the country's only Olympic medalist in Beijing a $100,000 cash reward for her performance at the games.

Swimmer Kirsty Coventry smashed the world record to win gold in the women's 200 meters backstroke. She also captured three silver medals.

Mugabe handed the U.S-based swimmer the cash at a ceremony in Harare carried live on state television.

"Our national spirit must exude joy and pleasure and say you have done well, daughter of Zimbabwe. We are proud of you, we wish you well. She's our golden girl ... take care of her," he said at the ceremony.

The U.S. dollars, scarce in a country struggling with an economic crisis marked by a severe shortage of foreign currency, were carried in a briefcase by Zimbabwe's central bank governor.

Other members of Zimbabwe's Olympic team received between $2,000 and $10,000 each.

(Part 4/5) Obama's Acceptance Speech at the DNC


“Scritture Migranti”.

29 agosto 2008

Senigallia (Ancona): inizia domenica la rassegna “Scritture Migranti”.
Si svolgerà fino al 13 settembre la terza edizione del festival degli scrittori stranieri immigrati in Italia.

Inizierà domenica 31 agosto a Senigallia (Ancona) il festival “Scritture Migranti” dedicato agli scrittori stranieri immigrati in Italia. La rassegna, giunta alla sua terza edizione, è organizzata da Cvm (Comunità Volontari per il Mondo), Associazione “Luoghi in Comune”, Scuola di Pace “V. Buccelletti” di Senigallia e Centro Servizi per il Volontariato, con la collaborazione del Comune di Senigallia.
Ospiti della manifestazione, in tre diverse giornate, saranno altrettanti scrittori stranieri che, vivendo già da anni in Italia, hanno deciso di realizzare una loro opera letteraria in italiano. Scrivere in inglese o in francese - spiega una nota degli organizzatori - significa farlo per una platea internazionale, comporre in italiano per scrittori migranti significa scrivere a sè stessi, in definitiva forse per poche persone, ma anche porre le basi per una nuova nascita, mettere radici in altro Paese. Il primo scrittore è l'eritreo Hamid Barole Abdu, operatore psichiatrico, saggista e poeta, che ha pubblicato due volumi di poesie (31 agosto). Seguirà il 6 settembre il marocchino Mohammed Lamsuni, poeta e traduttore ora residente a Torino, che collabora con numerosi quotidiani e riviste del suo Paese d'origine. Chiuderà la rassegna il 13 settembre il polacco Olek Mincer, regista e attore teatrale, che ha pubblicato il libro “Varsavia, Via Gerusalemme, 45”.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Dear Mr. Tony,
Thanks for your participation in this important discussion.
There are Nigerians who believe that going to Nigeria to marry "field workers" (kids who can be groomed to become nurses or Nigerian trained nurses) mean potential source of wealth.
Wrong. They grow up and become intolerant of emotional, psychological, and physical abuse met on them by their sugar called husbands.

Our Nigerian men here refuse to marry the young USN-Nigerians but go to Nigeria to seek "virgins" or "novices", nurses, doctors, pharmacists, etc out of ignorance. They forget that the novice learns from examples, life experiences, training and over time. In some cases, they become worst than the Nigerians they left here who already know how this place functions. I always wish them good luck because I know they are going to need it.

I remember growing up in Nigeria and the shock I experienced when I got here and discovered how much I did not know about life. I quickly told myself to get with it or be eaten alive. I learned, adjusted, and blended. Well, I can tell you that the old me was shed off almost 30 years ago. I had no choice. I had to survive in the big city with 45 storey


Therefore when an imported girl, yet to be a woman, a year later, tells the 48-60 year old, start-over husband to get lost, or wake up and smell the coffee, it comes as a rude awakening to him too. After all, he paid $3000-$4000 in flight ticket fares just to fly him and his bride back to the US when he went to finalize the import arrangement; not minding the green card rigorous process and charges, the waiting period, the long distance phone calls, and western union fees paid for her tuition to finish high school or college and money given to her parents while he was wooing her. It is not cheap to marry and bring a woman from home. But it is wrong to assume that they are going to be your future meal ticket and vice versa. Wrong!! Wrong!!!, Wrong!!!!

Fact: Some of them assume that the number of times you have had sex with them and the number of children they have had and pregnancy pains pays for all that. Secondly, a nurse goes through 4 to 6 years of intensive training, sleepless nights for exams and then takes the mother of them all, board exam. After that, she works 12 hours every night for 3-5 days a week without sleep along with menstrual cramps, monthly periods, crying, needy babies, and 4-6 pregnancies. This means a bunch of very angry and irritable women. It is only with the grace of God that you find a calm nurse. Therefore, if you bring up matters that should only be discussed during vacations, she might snap at you. In fact, I would not accuse a woman who works 12 hours and sleeps during the day, cooks, cleans, nurses infants, goes to day care centers for pick up and drop offs, and attends Nigerian meetings 3 times a month, participates in church activities in the community, of having affairs. She might bite you. If I were you, I would go back to school to study nursing like your wives so that you can understand what she is going through. And if you feel too macho to do so, just shut up and accept the new wife.

I mean no disrespect to the women married and brought here. I want the same for my sisters at home too because it will help them get green card and I will send less money through Western and pay less Western Union fees. So bravo for the winners. Just don't get yourselves killed. Ask questions before you marry the been-to.
God bless you. I care.

Sir Phil.
PRO, PRO and Vice president.
President and CEO of Nwarueze Enterprizes.

Dear friends,

It is well worth it in most cases to go home and find a wife or husband if one is having difficulty finding one here to marry.

But I am using the word "find" very loosely here. Please know that it is ridiculous for anyone to think that one "find" a spouse. If you choose to find one because you think you know better or believe there is no God, I pray the God helps you keep your choice and improve your lives abundantly while He prepares your heart to be born again.

Life partners do not get found by us or picked by us. The Lord selects our partners, and sets up the right circumstances for us to meet. Examples of marriages that are predetermined by God are those marital relationships that last for decades with minimal conflicts. What I consider minimal are those that do not result in severe irreparable damages. Simple everyday arguments are expected and allowed. They also make one more human. They allow the partners to see what bugs them. It is usually short and can be overcome with a serious massage and Ewedu, Edi-kanko, Egusi and serious Ogbono soup for a fufu loving husband. Simply put, farinate him. If you think I am mistaking, watch a men with pot belly. He is more likely to hold his wife's hand, wear uniforms with her to a party, Carry the youngest baby with one hand while balancing her on his stomach than the tall, slim, firm, muscular man with eternal roving eyes. We have a few like that in my community. Although they argue, Banga soup and synthesized pounded yam usually does the trick before the inner room.

Like I was saying before I started thinking about fufu and romance, God brings a spouse to a person. When people attempt to force the issue, "find" one themselves, they run into all kinds of difficulties. Have you noticed that the wife that was easiest to woo is usually the one that gives you the least headache? It is because before you were born, before you were ready to get married, before you opened your mouth to ask for his/her hand in marriage, he/she was chosen for you by God.

Therefore, if you don't go looking, but pray and follow your heart when you are ready, but keep your hands, heart, and mouth clean (I am not referring to only brushing your teeth), she/he will be at the right place at the right time when you are ready. Have you noticed how most good pastors seem to find the best girl in the village and the bad ones marry the village bitches?

A Niger brother just went home to find a wife like several others. The first one that was recommended had always asked him to bring this and that. He had spent several thousand dollars on her until he decided to visit her. When he arrived, she did not come to the airport to welcome him. He stayed in Lagos for a few days and did not see her. He finally decided to go to the village to see her and ask why she did not come to Lagos knowing that her beloved future husband candidate was coming from abroad and is now in town. The first thing she said to him when she set eyes on him was Welcome, where is that --------------- you promised to buy and bring to me. He was so disappointed that he took the gift back; after-all she was an ordinary Pharmacist. Considering that someone had recently recommended a doctor, he ran back to the city to get engaged to the doctor he had neither met nor spoken to before. She was a better commodity and was going to be a better source of income. To him I say "wait until she comes to the USA and takes the intensive course in preparation for the difficult medical board exam and then we'll know whether or not she will hand over her paychecks. I will wish you all good luck.

To the good wives and husbands, from home, I will say bravo. Keep on loving because love conquers all. There are still very many Nigerians without AIDS and very many who have not started wearing tight jeans, and do not speak with fake American accent.


For the men in the USA, I will say, look around here first and then go home but do not rush into things. Lower your standards a bit. Also, keep the age difference between 2-10 years. 11-30 years is too much. She might feel as if she is sleeping with her father. Be a lover, learn to caress, learn to share the domestic workload, learn to play with her, the children and all of the family members together. Go to church together and learn to lead in prayer sessions. Watch TV together, shop together, go out for drinks with her alone, go on dates, and basically continue courting her. She will be the best you've ever known.


Do all the things I recommended for the men but most importantly, give him his space, rub his back, massages his stomach to enable the fufu to digest because you know he is not going to jug, run or walk, or to go to the Gym. Nibble on his ears if it is clean, rub his hair, and take care of him all over. He may be a man but he can still use some motherly nurturing like one of your babies. Real men do place their heads on their wife's shoulders or lap. If he does not do that, he does not know what he is missing. It might be all it will take for you to say " yes daddy" like the Phillipinos. Don't make him like their men though. They tend to reverse the family roles from too much "yes daddying".
That reminds me, is that why they do not kill their wives even though 99% of their women are nurses? Hmmmmmm.

God bless you all.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


As immigrants in New Jersey my sister and I were the only black kids in our school and everyone was curious and wanted to be friends with the African girls.

I remember an occasion where I met a kid at the playground, I had never seen him before, he just kept staring at me till I spoke to him. He asked if he could touch me, he touched me and looked at his hand then exclaimed with surprise that my color didn't come off. He then asked me if we lived in trees in Africa.

He went down like a full sack at my punch.

I was defending Africa!!!

Parents of both parties were asked to come to school, the term racism was used, I didn't understand it, all I knew was that he insulted me and I beat him up. He was made to apologise.

Fast forward several years.

A young lady in London, on my first trip outside the country alone and an adult. Standing at the bus stop I saw a white girl. I had white neighbors back home but I had never seen anyone so white in my life. She was paper white and looked translucent with extremely black hair, ultra high boots with spikes on them, lips and nails painted black. She had piercings all over her face and lips. She had on a black tee-shirt and jeans. The tee-shirt had the image of a skull on it. I couldn't look away, I kept staring, fortunately it was a couple of years before all the street stabbings.

She said hi, I actually jumped, then replied. She told me her name was Amanda, I wondered how she could have such an ordinary name.I also wondered if I was the only one seeing her, maybe she was a ghost…she sure looked like someone from the Adams family.

She said she liked my necklace, I asked her what she did to make her skin so white, she laughed and asked if I wanted to feel her. I touched her…I expected her to be icy cold but she was as warm as I was.

Her bus came and we waved goodbye. Years later I still wish I got her number.

I later learnt she was/is a goth.

For the first time in my life I understood the question the little boy asked me. He wasn't insulting me or being racist… Racism was an adult term to just wanting to know. He just wanted to know!

Amazing what you learn when you open your mind!


di Luciana Borsatti

ROMA - Velata fino agli occhi. E anche sconcertata. Così deve essere rimasta la turista musulmana che prima si è vista regolarmente rilasciare un biglietto di ingresso ad un museo, e poi è stata invitata a togliersi il niqab o ad uscire, per motivi di sicurezza, da un guardiasala.

Nei cui confronti il responsabile del museo ha annunciato provvedimenti. E' accaduto a Venezia nelle sale di Cà Rezzonico, il palazzo sul Canal Grande che ospita il museo del Settecento veneziano. La donna voleva visitarlo con la figlia e il marito, e alle casse dove ha pagato il biglietto non vi è stata alcuna obiezione. Ma quando è salita ai piani superiori ha trovato la resistenza di un guardiano, che l'ha invitata a togliersi il velo oppure ad uscire. E lei è uscita. Il conservatore del museo Filippo Pedrocco ha preso le distanze dall'episodio e si é scusato: "E stata la libera iniziativa di un guardiano, che ha commesso un grave errore - ha dichiarato - prenderemo provvedimenti". Per questioni di sicurezza a Carnevale, per esempio, le persone che entrano mascherate vengono invitate a scoprirsi il volto, ma la regola va interpretata e in questo caso, dice, "la signora aveva tutto il diritto di visitare il museo".

Non la pensa così la deputata del Pdl Suad Sbai, che è anche presidente delle donne marocchine e ha lavorato alla Federazione dei musulmani moderati nell'ambito della Consulta per l'Islam. "In Italia esiste dal 1975 una legge che vieta di girare con il volto coperto - sottolinea, in merito all'art.5 della legge Reale sull'ordine pubblico - e bene ha fatto quel guardiano a farla rispettare". "Ho letto che prenderanno provvedimenti contro il sorvegliante - prosegue - ma ha la mia solidarietà. E' il responsabile del museo che sbaglia, e che è meno informato. Se una regola vale per le maschere a Carnevale, deve valere sempre. E le regole vanno fatte conoscere".

Giudizio meno netto dal presidente degli Intellettuali Musulmani Ahmad Gianpiero Vincenzo, già direttore del Dipartimento Dialogo Interreligioso presso il Gruppo Misto al Senato. "Un tipico pasticciaccio all'italiana", commmenta, sottolineando che le contraddizioni dell'episodio derivano dal fatto che non c'é chiarezza sulle norme né sulla loro applicazione, e lamentando "il clima di islamofobia" in cui si inserisce. Se vi sono leggi che impediscono di tenere coperto il volto in pubblico, secondo Vincenzo, bisogna distinguere caso per caso.

Ma la stessa flessibilità la chiede anche al mondo musulmano: "La religione non impone alcun obbligo sul velo ". Piuttosto, evidenzia, quello che manca è un quadro normativo generale che, attuando per l'Islam il principio costituzionale dell'intesa dello Stato con le diverse religioni, fornisca anche il contesto per un mutuo accordo sulle regole. "E in questo quadro normativo - osserva - potremmo anche metterci d'accordo sul velo".

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Dear All,
People who read the journalist's reports on these killings will discover that in some areas--the writer sounds as if though he is blaming the women; in some areas the writer sounds as if though he was blaming the men. In general the writer appears to be more explicit on the names he was calling the actors.
My position is that the phenomenon is despicable-- no human being will accept that killing someone can be condoned in any way except when someone is physically or obviously on his/her way to kill someone else---in that respect--the case of self-defense may apply.
But we all must agree that sometimes in life, people do things that indeed kill other people directly or indirectly. As such, some times human beings--men or women launch a first strike if they feel that someone else is already on his/her way to kill the person one way or the other. An example will be the killing of the Supper-Star, Malvin Gay by his father--and other examples like that. But let it be clear, I do not give prescriptions for how to kill people--I do not kill people and do not intend to kill anyone or suggest that anyone should kill anyone for any reason whatsoever.
What I was alluding to is that: as a community, Nigerians in America should no longer just be wondering, name-calling, when these killings occur: people must dig deeper than that to seek solutions. In the ancient times--when certain bad things began to happen, the ancients make special journeys to visit supper Oracles for solutions. In this modern time, as well, communities consult experts for solutions. The occurrence should be researched in order to get scientific data that will help our communities to device ways for solutions.
Even just publicizing those gruesome pictures can make people to think twice when they are embarking on criminal schemes--both the men and the women. For quite some time now--most people who came from Africa have the feeling and belief that people from Africa cannot be as deadly as some Americans: they want to use American laws the ways it fits them, but pretend that they do not also know that Americans also, when people do them things that defy morality/humanity/ and rationality- -they some times as well snap and do strange things. For example, a woman who shot the man who raped her very young boy and the courts seemed to be handling the man in a softer way; we have seen lovers shoot people who seemed to put their hands in the mouth of the person they violated.
Some Nigerian men who know clearly that our Nigerian laws forbid men going around (f----king/screwing ) peoples' wives, do it anyways simply because they factor that Nigerian people do not shoot. When you go to parties in this America--and in the party there are Americans and Nigerians in the party--the people Nigerian Coward men would openly be chasing are women with other Nigerians. It is not that they think that they are physically stronger than the Nigerian men who may be there with the women; it is simply because the bad Nigerian men are so cowardly that they just cannot dare mess with women with Americans openly.
They know that Americans of all types will waste no minute in executing them, if the felt insulted by the Nigerian or any man in that matter. I have observed this in many states and places I have been. The same is the case with some of our women--some (bullshits they feed Nigerian men--are sometimes because they felt that Nigerian men are not violent--that they do not kill. While I will like an immediate stoppage to these senseless killings--I also hope that people who are still alive can take some lessens from what have happened so far. Do not dare anyone so badly! If you are a woman--once you know that you are doing certain things you would not have been doing ordinarily in our cultures to a man--do not be too sure of his resolve to endure; if you are a man--and doing bad things with the belief that American laws are on your side or easy on those things--do not be too sure about that. The man you are messing with his wife or the woman you are messing with could also possibly act like American-borns.
One time in California, one woman whom people say was a pauper in Nigeria--but when one guy from her area went home, married and brought her here, trained her in nursing school; after she started making money she filed for divorce and took the houses, the children and so on. Although in a court of law--the system made the woman to be paying the guy back some money; but that woman had the habit of every place there is a party where she knows that the guy will be there--she goes there and be doing all sorts of things she could do to provoke the guy. We have not heard that anything happened, but I felt that the woman should have been more careful and take precaution than that. At least, try to avoid contacts with the guy to give the devil no chance. To prove that the woman may be the offender there--we have learned that she went home and remarried and brought a guy from Nigeria here--and the same thing that happened with her and the first guy happened again--and the newest guy fled off from her.
I have criticized bad Nigerian men: I supported none of them. I am simply saying that--sometimes our people overdrive this their understanding of American ways of living--and it have been showing.
There is one altruism, once there is a conflict--the parties to the conflict all have a share in the causes of that conflict one way or the other. The idea of blaming one party is absolutely wrong. For that reason, we need to research the phenomenon so that we can use the scientific finding to educate our people--both from home and those who are already here.
As to Yoruba men--one of the men is a Yoruba man--this ugly event touched on all the major peoples of Nigeria--look at the names well. We may give the credit of not being among this evil by Hausa people to their women's culture. As you know that--the Hausas and Muslims maintain zero tolerance when it comes to a woman going "wild" if you like. Perhaps the answer to that question is that the people adhere to their culture even while here. If the Southerners and their Christian beliefs are too easy to transgress-- the Muslims and Hausas are not that way yet. I do not see Hausa men in this America their wives would prepare and head to parties alone as some Southerns wives do and many other things they know they could not do in Nigeria. The two most obvious bones of contention-- center on fidelity issues and money. We shall be saying more on this.
Jerry Stephens

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dov'è la verità?

l Tribunale di Frosinone ha emesso un decreto di espulsione
«Non sono stato malmenato dalla Polizia» L'ambulante di Termoli nega l'aggressione
Su internet le foto di tre vigili che lo trascinano nel baule dell'auto. «Non farò causa nè chiederò risarcimento»

Una foto scattata da un passante con il telefonino (Emmevi)
Una foto scattata da un passante con il telefonino (Emmevi)
TERMOLI - L'ambulante bangladese Abdul Zainal nega di essere stato «strattonato e malmenato dagli agenti di Polizia Municipale e che gli stessi non mi hanno messo di forza nel portabagagli dell'auto di servizio». Anzi il commerciante dice di essere «stato accompagnato negli uffici seduto sul sedile posteriore».

«NON CHIEDERÒ RISARCIMENTI» - All'indomani dalle pubblicazioni di alcuni scatti su diversi siti e giornali, che ritraggono tre vigili che trascinano un uomo in una auto di servizio a Termoli, arriva una dichiarazione del protagonista di questa vicenda, Abdul Joinal, immigrato trentaduenne del Bangladesh. «Non ho subito alcuna pressione o minaccia nel rendere questa dichiarazione - si legge nel comunicato rilasciato dal Comune di Termoli - e fin da adesso dichiaro di non adire le vie legali e tanto meno chiedere eventuali risarcimenti».

ZAINAL È SCIVOLATO - La nota del Comune ricostruisce anche la dinamica di quanto accaduto. L'ambulante è scivolato mentre cercava di sfuggire ai controlli. Alla richiesta dei documenti da parte della Polizia, l'uomo ha risposto di non averli, ha cominciato a urlare e chiedere aiuto. Numerosi passanti hanno prese le difese dell'immigrato. Altri hanno fotografato la scena, smentita però dallo stesso Zainal.

DECRETO DI ESPULSIONE - Zainal ha precedenti per favoreggiamento di ingresso clandestino o irregolare, associazione per delinquere ed estorsione. Ha scontato 18 mesi in carcere a Cassino (Frosinone). Nel settembre 2006 è tornato libero per effetto dell'indulto. Il Tribunale di Frosinone ha emesso un decreto di espulsione.

26 agosto 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

Linea dura dei vigili

CRONACA MobileInviaStampaProteste a Termoli (Campobasso): i cittadini
hanno scattato anche delle foto, inviate a un sito locale
La linea dura dei vigili
l'ambulante nel portabagagli

TERMOLI - Un giovane ambulante extracomunitario aggredito, tenuto per il collo e trascinato sull'asfalto, lungo il corso della città. Da tre vigili urbani.
E' accaduto a Termoli, all'altezza del corso Nazionale, sabato scorso, verso sera. Testimoni dell'accaduto diversi cittadini che non solo hanno fotografato la scena con i telefonini, ma sono intervenuti in soccorso del giovane straniero, affrontando le forze dell'ordine.

La polizia municipale aveva fermato l'ambulante in quanto sprovvisto di licenza di vendita. Pare che l'extracomunitario, a quel punto, abbia opposto resistenza aggrappandosi alla merce che i vigili volevano sequestrare. Poi, secondo le prime ricostruzioni, sarebbe stato strattonato a terra e trascinato in mezzo alla strada fino all'auto dei vigili.

"Volevano caricarlo nel portabagagli" raccontano alcuni testimoni al sito internet che per primo ha pubblicato le foto dei lettori indignati per l'accaduto.

"Ho assistito a una deplorevole scena di crudeltà gratuita - commenta un testimone - i vigili urbani hanno trascinato e strattonato un ragazzo di colore perché non era in possesso della licenza. Alcuni miei amici hanno scattato delle foto con il cellulare. I vigili urbani è inutile che cerchino giustificazioni poiché non è vero - come affermano - che l'ambulante ha avuto una reazione eccessiva e che li ha autorizzati ad usare violenza nei suoi confronti. Ero presente ai fatti e ho ancora nelle orecchie la voce e il pianto dell'extracomunitario che supplicava".

Il responsabile della polizia municipale Rocco Giacintucci, replica: "Non so nulla, ero in ferie. Sto apprendendo ora quanto è successo. Una cosa però è certa: se i vigili hanno agito in quel modo è perché evidentemente c'è stata una reazione spropositata del giovane. Le regole in qualche modo le dobbiamo fare rispettare. Capisco che certe scene possono apparire più o meno cruente, ma dipende dalla reazione del soggetto".

"Davvero il pericolo più grave e il rischio più grande per l'ordine pubblico per la mia città, sono i venditori abusivi?" si chiede Marcella Stampo, della cooperativa Baobab "e quand'anche fosse così, non c'è altro modo per arginare il pericolo che picchiare e portare via una persona come fosse una cosa vecchia o una carcassa di animale, chiuso in un portabagagli? Mi rallegra solo pensare che le persone presenti abbiano avvertito la stupida cattiveria dell'accaduto e abbiano protestato".

(25 agosto 2008)

Sunday, August 17, 2008




Chukwubike Okey C.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Nigeria Cedes Bakassi To Cameroun

The Pains Of War

Nigeria Cedes Bakassi To Cameroun

By Emma Una/ Calabar & Eromosele Ebhomele
The controversial Bakassi Peninsula has been formally handed over to the Republic of Cameroun.
The ceremony took place today, in Calabar, the Cross River State capital. Top government officials from Nigeria, Cameroun, representatives of the United Nations, the diplomatic community, etc. witnessed the ceremony.
The Nigerian delegation was led by the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Michael Aondoakaa. In his speech at the historic occasion, Aondoakaa said the handing over was a painful exercise. "We are saddled with the painful task of completing the implementation of the ICJ judgement," he said.
According to him, there are arrangements for the resettlement of those who have chosen to leave the peninsula, promising the Nigerian indigenes who would remain in the area that their fundamental human rights would be maintained.
While the Acting-Governor of Cross River State, R. Hon. Francis Adah, tasked the international community to assist in resettling the displaced Nigerians, who, he said, were already traumatised, the Camerounian minister of State for Justice, Professor Maurice Kamto, confirmed that his country would honour the Green Tree Agreement between the two countries. The United Nations Secretary General, who was represented, promised that the world body will support the displaced people and the governments of the two countries.
The hand over process started two years ago, at exactly noon on Monday, 14 August, 2006, when the Nigerian flag and that of the Nigerian Army were lowered at one of the islands, Archibong Town in Bakassi. They were handed over to the then Attorney-General of the Federation, Chief Bayo Ojo, and the former Chief of Defence Staff, General Martin Luther Agwai, while the Camerounian flag was hoisted. It was then the Bakassi people were first hit by the realisation of a possible hand over of their land to Caremoun. They had thought a miracle would happen to change the International Court of Justice's ruling in favour of Cameroun.
This ceremony became the first phase of the final hand over of the Peninsula extension of the territory of Calabar into the Atlantic Ocean with a population of between 250,000 to 300,000 people. The Republic of Cameroun had continually emphasised that the land belongs to it, capitalising on two agreements reached between it and the Nigerian government in the 1970s. The Yaounde II Declaration of 4 April, 1971, and the Maroua Declaration of 1 June, 1975, were devised to outline maritime boundaries between the two countries following their independence.
The line was reportedly drawn through the Cross River estuary to the West of the Peninsula, thereby implying Camerounian ownership over Bakassi which covers an area of 665sq kilometers. Nigeria never ratified the agreement and Cameroun regarded it as being in force and this prompted the ICJ ruling in the Hague on 10 October, 2002.
Despite the Green Tree Agreement between former President Olusegun Obasanjo and the Camerounian President, Mr. Paul Biya and the subsequent handing over process, a Federal High court sitting in Abuja put a hold to today's ceremony.
However, for the first time, citizens of the country think that President Musa Yar'Adua has gone against the rule of law. Even members of the House of Representatives think so.
The Chairman of the House Committee on Media and Information, Eziuche Ubani, said the National Assembly should have held on to the alibi of the Federal High Court, Abuja and remind the President of his beleif in the rule of laws.
"We didn't do our job at the National Assembly. There were things we could have done to stop the President from handing over our territory, at least for now," he said.
For the Senator representing Bakassi, Senator Bassey Ewah Henshaw, crying would not be enough to show the grief of the people. "Government has scathered my people all over the place. My people are all refugees everywhere with nowhere to call home," he said.
Noting that nothing has come out of the resettlement effort of the Federal government, the Senator said, "the people are very bitter against those people that have done them in. In time, the people will be able to identify the real people who have put them in this terrible condition."
According to him, the National Assembly was yet to ratify the ICJ judgement and the various agreements by the two countries.
Meanwhile, Dr. Ambrose Akpnika, a one time Commissioner for Health in Cross River State and the Mkpisong Ukara of Calabar, has described the proposed relocation of the Bakassi people to Ikang in Akpabuyo Local Government of Cross River State as a farce which is bound to fail.
Dr. Akpanika, who is a prominent indigene of Bakassi, said the people of Bakassi have lived in their present place of abode for over 200 years and have taken the Bakassi Island as their ancestral home, so it would be difficult to go where they don't know.
Akpanika, who is one of the Kingmakers in Efik Kingdom, said that for a people who have never known any other place as their home, they will resist any attempt made to move them in the name of relocation.
Speaking to P. M. NEWS in Calabar, Dr. Akpaniko said: "my stand on the issue is that there are Bakassi natives and there are also Bakassi people. People from all parts of Nigeria and from other countries who have lived in Bakassi for over 200 years, are called Bakassi people, they have no other home. Now you cannot ask these people to re-locate. But you cannot relocate Bakassi natives who are like the Aborigines Christopher Columbus saw when he went to America .
"But I think there is a contraption trying to remove the Bakassi people from Bakassi. Cameroon was given sovereignty over the land of the people of Bakassi.
"The question of moving them does not arise and the United Nations Charter did not stipulate that," he declared.
He said the people of Bakassi had made presentation to the Senate Committee earlier in the year asking for a stay in the handover but this has been overruled "and I think that they must have made up their minds already about the people of Bakassi and had given one thing that had never been mentioned by anybody."
Dr. Akpanika said the plan of those who are bent on relocating the people want to exploit the resources of the area.
"That Bakassi is full of manganese not just oil that they are fighting for. Those people might be looking at the Manganese and Manganese is a special metal some of which is used in making planes and space ships.
"So Manganese is more expensive than oil, so the people who are now trying to move the natives of Bakassi from their ancestral home to somewhere else are suspect.
"So what we say is that we trace the history of the people to know those who have linkage with Bakassi for some 200 years, those who have gone to Bakassi to do business and those who don't have homes.
"Above all, please, Bakassi natives cannot be relocated from their home land. We have islands that could be filled up for these people who have always done business in the river to resettle."
He asserted that the Calabar channel should therefore not be handed over just like that. "The Agreement that divides the channel into two for Nigeria to occupy one corner while Cameroon occupies the other corner and after five years Cameroon will take over completely, is wrong," he said.


Have you ever seen the face of a wife killer? Have you ever met
anyone who took the life of the mother of his children? Have you
ever seen or met such a person who is a Nigerian? How spooky it is
indeed that such a person has the blood of another human being and a
Nigerian for that matter, drooling over his hands! Such a hallowing
experience becomes much creepier, when that monster who took the
life of a Nigerian is also a fellow Nigerian whom you may have
interacted with somehow. somewhat! Now buckle up your belt as
Icheoku takes you on a harried excursion through the faces, names
and somewhat biographies of some of these denigrate of society! They
are painting the average Joe-Nigerian man in American as a domestic
violent person; a potential wife killer! A bad name indeed, really?
They are the worst of the Nigerian male society in America : the
dregs of the society! They are the fabled black-sheep who have
defiled and violated the sanctity of the
Nigerian family cohesiveness. These men killed their WIVES! They
made their children motherless! It is abominable! Brace yourself!

Now, meet denigrate person wife-killer number one, Mr. Kelechi
Charles Emeruwa:-
A Nigerian Mr. Kelechi Charles Emeruwa, (pictured here right) 41 of
Old Umuahia, Abia State was charged and convicted with first degree
murder of his estranged wife, 36 year old Registered Nurse,
Chidiebere Omenihu Ochulo. Kelechi finally lost it and stabbed his
wife, with her own kitchen knife, several times that the fountain
left on Julius Ceaser fades in comparison, until she gave up the
ghost. "According to the account, Chidiebere had just returned from
Nigeria where she bolted away for three weeks to give her late
father a lavish burial despite protestations of Mr. Kelechi of the
bills that are accruing and payable here in America . She wouldn't
hear any of it, after-all she makes the money; only to return to an
angry frustrated maniacal husband who took her kitchen knife and
carved her up. It was on New Year's Day, in her townhouse in the
4200 block of Dunwood Terrace, in the Washington DC suburb of
Burtonsville in Montgomery County , Maryland .

For a l ittle biography, Chidiebere was born on June 1, 1970 and
attended schools in Umuahia and Yola before proceeding to University
of Nigeria Nsukka where she bagged a degree in Microbiology. She
then got married to Kelechi in 1996 and left for the US the same
year, having won the American Visa lottery. In an effort to really
settle down in the US and get a respectable job, she took a second
degree in Nursing and began a career at Washington Hospital Centre.
As a result of her hard work, she got to the peak of the
administrative cadre as a Deputy Director, Clinical Services, at the
Centre where she remained until her death in the cold hands of the
man she once loved - the father of her three children.

In Tennessee, a Nigerian man after taking it for so long, lost his
cool and shot his Registered Nurse wife as well as his hitherto
mother in-law to death with a shot gun. According to the account
this RN wife was married from Nigeria a pauper and brought to the
United States by this m an, who trained her in school as a
registered nurse. Soon after her qualification, the demon in her was
let loose and it became one torment after another, with one police
call after another followed by sleep-over in police cells and it
went on and on ad infinitum. After a protracted battle with the
authorities at the wife's instigation, this man lost his almost
nearly paid-off home to his wife, including the custody of his three
kids by her. He sees these kids just periodically according to
court's order and at the discretionary behest of the wife who
sometimes comes to the appointed custody visitation ground at a time
of her choosing; just to punish and suffer this
man. He could not take it any longer and now the rest is history
with two women shot dead and the killer in death row awaiting the
electric chair.

Another lunatic fringed monster, Mr. Theophilus Ojukwu has equally
entered the annals of Nigerian men wife-killers in the United States
of America ! This cancer of wife killing by Nigerian husbands is fast
spreading that the Nigerian society is getting numb and used to it,
as one of the social maladies of our times. A heinous act which
hitherto would be very abominable that people are shocked to their
bone marrows is today seen as a possibility. In Garland, Texas on
Saturday, March 25, 2007 Mr.Theophilus Ojukwu, (pictured right in
his orange prison jumpsuit) 46, of Enugwu-Agu, Ihe in Awgu LGA,
Enugu State used a mattock (hammer) to bludgeon his deeply asleep RN
wife, Melvina Ojukwu, 36, of Umuanebe, also of Ihe, Awgu LGA, Enugu
State to a very painful agonizing death.
Sources close to the family said that about two years ago, Melvina's
mother and mother in-law of Theophilus, who was visiting from
Nigeria tragically died in a mysterious circumstance, in a bathtub
in their house at 5400 block of Barcelona Drive , Garland Texas ; this
is where Melvina also met her untimely and heartbreaking death.
Whether this is a chain of events is inconclusive but both
situations were very tragic! Mr Theophilus Ojukwu has since been
sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole; that
one w ould ask, is the craze to control the RN's "legendary money-
faucet" enough for this tragedy and the life imprisonment
consequence thereof?

In another family-related violent incident involving a Nigerian, it
was reported in The Atlanta Journal-Constitutio n of March 8, 2006
that a Registered Nurse Roseline Unachukwu, 34, and her six children
were taken to the family violence shelter, Northwest YWCA in
Marietta, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta, as a result of physical
violence. According to people with knowledge of the incident, the
poor lady escaped with her life from her husband's maniacal rage
with very severe cuts in her arms which she received while fending
off her husband's killer-rage. Her husband, Benjamin Unachukwu from
Nnewi, Anambra State , was taken to jail to face two criminal charges
with the kitchen-knife weapon of choice as evidence exhibit!

In Los Angeles California it was reported that a Nigerian RN wife
was brutally murdered by her husband. The viciousness of the attack
was such that the man eventually tied the dead body of his wife to
his truck and dragged her dead body through the roads and streets of
Southern California until=2 0her skull gave up its cranial contents.
He was eventually arrested, charged, tried and convicted for first
degree murder with special circumstance which carries the death
penalty! He is presently awaiting a date with the lethal injection
in a cold segregated death-row prison cell!

Only recently, one Nigeria RN woman living in Dallas Texas had this
to write on the Internet about her fellow estranged Nigerian
"I have been married to Mr. X (real name excluded by Icheoku as we
do not want to be a purveyor of this domestic madness) for 20years,
and had five children for him. I was married to him at the age of
18years, and joined him in Dallas from Nigeria after my high school.
For those 20years of marriage which can pass for 20years of bondage
and slavery, I have had to endure constant physical abuse, verbal
abuse, and emotional abuse and mental torture in the hands of Mr. X.
I am asking whosoever that=2 0reads my story to please send it out
to as many forums as they have access to. Silence they say is
golden. But if you are dealing with a mad, sad, disgruntled man like
Benjamin X, silence will no longer be golden".

And what could have driven a Nigerian wife to write such an
unflattering "oration" about her husband, one would ask? The answer
depends on who you ask. Is this couple close to the finish line?
Similarly, in Grand Prairie , Dallas , Texas , Mrs. Monireti Abeni
Akeredolu, (pictured below in her wedding with her killer-husband) a
46-year old Registered Nurse from Ondo State Nigeria met her
untimely death in the hands of her estranged husband, Mr. Ebenezer
Akeredolu, Sr., 48. According to the story, Mr. Akeredolu drove
several hundred miles from Georgia (where he had moved to nurse his
pains at loosing everything he had worked so hard for since coming
to the United States several decades ago) to Dallas and pumped
several bullet s into his ex-wife in day light, with so many people
watching the macabre spectacle. Mrs. Monireti died slumped in the
wheels of her SUV enroute to a birthday party in her honor – she had
just turned 46 a day before on September 7, 2005.

Not too long ago, also, on August 10, 2005 in Euless, a suburb of
Dallas, another frustrated Nigerian husband, 45-year old Johnny
Omorogieva from Edo State, Nigeria murdered his RN wife, Mrs. Isatu
Omorogieva, 35, also of Edo State by savagely striking her on the
head numerous times with a hammer in the full view of their 7-year
old screaming daughter.

In Tulsa, Oklahoma a yet to be fully authenticated report has it
that another Nigerian man recently bludgeoned his RN wife to death
while she was fast asleep; following a traumatic life which she has
subjected him to since turning into the majority bread winner of the
family following her graduating from a nursing program.
Another Nigerian nut-case, Mr. John Onwuka (pictured here right in
his orange prison jumpsuit) 49, from Akwete community of Ohafia
Bende Local Government Area of Abia State was charged with one count
each of homicide and use of a knife in the commission of a felony.
He stabbed his RN wife of twenty five years, Mrs Gloria Uchechi Anya
Onwuka age 42, fourteen times in her bedroom while she was getting
ready to go to work. She was a nurse manager. Mr. John Onwuka
committed this crime on the night of Saturday August 19, 2006 at the
home of his wife in Estate Drive , Farmington , Hampton , Virginia with
her children watching him act out his gory insanity.

"Yes I have killed the woman that messed my life up! A woman that
had destroyed me. I am at Shalom West, my name is Michael and am all
yours". With those words - a 911 call placed to the authorities,
another Nigeria man has joined the infamous heinous club of Nigerian
Men Wife Killers. Fifty year old Mr. Michael Collins Iheme (pictured
here left) of Hennepin Minnesota placed the call above few minutes
after shooting his twenty eight year old wife, Mrs. Anthonia
Eberechi iheme, the mother of his 4 year old boy and 3 year old
girl, to death. What is wrong with this crazed out Nigeria man was
that he lacked the stomach to take all the bullshit he was forced to
take by a typical Nigerian "Nurse" wife. However in as much as
Icheoku does not condone such misbehaviour of taking the life of
another, these Nigeria men who marry "fedexed" wives should better
watch it as what they bargained for might not necessarily always
come to fruition. There is no need
travelling to Africa to find a wife - if it is akaata, filpino.
latina mamacita, oke-bekee or even chinese that loves you, please
settle down with such a person. Your love for foofoo and egusi soup
is not enough to trade your happiness and possibly freedom when they
make you do the unthinkable like our Mr. Micahel Collins Iheme and

For the records, it would appear that majority of these uxoricides
occ urred in Dallas , Texas ! Leading to the question, whuz up Dallas ?
Is there any maniacal peculiarity with Nigerian men living in
Dallas ? Further, most of the victims were Registered Nurses which
forces one to ask is the "war over the purse" of who controls this
their "legendary treasure trove" enough reason to commit the most
heinous of all crimes?
Also the number of such homicides is rather
astronomical judging the sanctity of life-environment from which
majority of these homicidal maniacs come from back in Nigeria .
Admitted, that it is dreadfully wrong and also a sacrilege for
anyone to take the life of another, especially if that other was a
spouse; but what could be the driving factor of this senseless
exhibition of ravenous rage by some frustrated Nigerian men in the
United States of America ? This question is imperative because there
are other more acceptable options available for
getting out of a hellish marriage including just getting up and
leaving; mutual separation; taking a second wife just like the
Mormons of Texas, Utah and Nevada; becoming a bachelor once again;
keeping a girl friend outside your so called matrimonial home or the
penultimate divorce instead of committing the mother of all crimes -
taking the life of another! Nothing is worth it! Does the underlying
problem defy every solution imaginable? NO!=2 0Take a deep breath
and consider other options including the almighty walking-out!
Nothing is worth the trouble! Not all the diamonds in South Africa
and/or gold in Fort Knox ! The "mansion" which you are fighting for,
you did not bring it with you to America ? The SUV or Mercedes car
that is making you to loose your head, the manufacturing plant in
Stuttgart Germany has not yet closed shop! In your convoluted
suspicion that your wife is sleeping around because she dresses
well, ask yourself, where is the
foundational trust of your relationship and at worst, were you the
first man in her life? Did you break her virginity and why do you
think it is either you with her or nobody at all, that you will
rather have her dead than loose her to someone else? Have you also
tried getting professional counseling or earnestly engaging your
wife in an open discussion to find out what you may be doing wrong
and make amends where necessary. Have you tried temporary separation
for a cool-off period? At worst get an amicable divorce so that you
guys can remain friends for the benefit of the children! Before you
write that check which you cannot cash, please stop and ask
yourself, before you met her did you not have any life? It is not
worth it! Learn to move on; as around the next corner may be lurking
your real wife of "Christian marriage" who will really cherish and
love you for who you are! Your wife's leaving you is not the end of
the world as we know it! As the popular aphorism goes, "when one door closes another one is open
down the road". Nothing is worth the taking of life and not that of
a spouse who also is a Nigerian! PLEASE GET A LIFE!

Ezeamii, Hyacinth



Il massaggio Shiatsu che si effettua tramite la pressione delle dita, dei palmi delle mani e dei piedi e dei gomiti su tutto il corpo, agisce sui punti energetici considerati dall'agopuntura. Stimola la circolazione sanguigna ed il flusso linfatico, agisce sul sistema nervoso allentando la tensione muscolare più profonda, rimuove le tossine dei tessuti, risveglia il sistema ormonale e sollecita la capacità di autoguarigione del corpo.


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