Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Prostituzione Minorile...Donna Nigeriana arrestata

Donna nigeriana arrestata a Benevento per sfruttamento sessuale di minori. Il complice era già sfuggito alla cattura rifugiandosi in nigeria

Si tratta di una cittadina extracomunitaria di 40 anni, Vivian Osayamen, di Benin City, in Nigeria, è stata arrestata dagli agenti della Squadra Mobile di Benevento in esecuzione dell'ordine di carcerazione emesso nella giornata di ieri dal Tribunale di Modena.
La donna, che dovrà scontare una pena detentiva fino al 26 gennaio 2011, è stata riconosciuta colpevole della violazione della legge 38/2006 in materia di lotta contro lo sfruttamento sessuale dei bambini e la pedopornografia.
L'ordine di carcerazione nei confronti della donna emesso dal Tribunale di Modena.

Una breve sintesi della intera vicenda:

Nel mese di giugno 2007 la Squadra Mobile di Modena - a seguito di attività di indagine condotta per episodi di sfruttamento e favoreggiamento della prostituzione minorile consumati a Modena ed altre province nel periodo compreso tra il mese di luglio 2005 ed il dicembre 2006 - ha dato l'avvio al procedimento penale a carico di alcuni dei componenti di un gruppo criminale nigeriano, tutti radicati nella provincia di Modena ed in quella limitrofa di Bologna, e con basi logistiche in Nigeria ed in Francia dediti ai reati connessi alla prostituzione di colore.

L'operazione in questione, così come quelle analoghe concluse negli ultimi due anni, rientra nell'ambito di un piano strategico più generale e penetrante approntato dal Servizio Centrale Operativo della Direzione Centrale Anticrimine della Polizia di Stato e rappresenta l'ennesimo colpo inferto dalla Polizia di Stato a quelle organizzazioni criminali di etnia straniera (nel caso di specie centro africana) che negli ultimi anni hanno gestito in posizione di totale monopolio, sia a Modena che in tutto il resto del paese, le attività illecite connesse alla prostituzione ed ai reati a questa collegati (immigrazione clandestina, falsi documentali, ecc.).

L'indagine si ricollega ed è la naturale prosecuzione anche delle pregresse operazioni della Polizia di Stato "Multilevel" (dell'aprile 2005), "Multilevel 2" (del maggio 2006), "Multilevel 3" (dell'ottobre 2006) e Multilevel 4 (del maggio 2007).

Si tratta, infatti, delle diverse frange dello stesso gruppo criminale che si sono progressivamente sostituite e rimpiazzate a seguito della ciclica disarticolazione delle consorterie ad opera della Polizia di Stato di Modena negli ultimi anni. E' stato infatti riscontrato che la totale padronanze del territorio dei membri dei sodalizi ed il loro forte radicamento nella provincia di Modena, ha comportato il fatto che anche successivamente all'arresto dei componenti di turno, le porzioni di territorio da loro occupate siano state mantenute con l'immediata sostituzione dei soggetti tratti in arresto, con nuove e più fresche forze immediatamente giunte a Modena dai paesi di origine. In questo modo, pur accettando la frammentazione dei gruppi criminali, è stata comunque garantita continuità per diversi anni alle attività del gruppo delinquenziale.

A conclusione dell'attività investigativa in argomento, che è stata coordinata dal Servizio Centrale Operativo della Polizia di Stato e dalla Direzione Centrale Anticrimine per tutta la sua durata, nelle primissime ore della mattinata odierna gli uomini della Polizia di Stato hanno dato esecuzione a 2 ordinanze di custodia cautelare in carcere emesse dal Giudice per le Indagini Preliminari presso il locale Tribunale su richiesta del Pubblico Ministero titolare dell'indagine, a carico di altrettanti soggetti tutti indagati per i reati di cui agli artt. 110 c.p. in relazione agli artt. 600 bis e sexies c.p. (prostituzione minorile ed altri reati minori, il tutto in concorso).
Le operazioni di esecuzione sono state svolte nella città di Modena, Bologna - dove è statat arresta la cittadina nigeriana Osayamen Vivian, nata in Nigeria nel 1968, residente a Benevento ma domiciliata a Bologna - e Benevento. Resta da catturare il complice della madame, sempre nigeriano, che da alcuni mesi ha trovato riparo in Nigeria.

Per le operazioni di arresto il personale della Polizia di Stato si è avvalso dell'ausilio della Squadre Mobili di Bologna e Benevento.

Nel corso delle perquisizioni delegate dal Pubblico Ministero, effettuate presso 3 abitazioni dei soggetti sottoposti a provvedimenti restrittivi (una a Modena, una a Bologna ed una a Benevento), sono stati raccolti ulteriori elementi di prova attestanti le responsabilità dei due indagati per i reati loro contestati.

I due soggetti indagati sono stati ritenuti responsabili dei reati loro contestati per episodi di sfruttamento di una giovane ragazza nigeriana nella città di Modena fino al dicembre 2006, quando la ragazza è stata poi sottratta all'egida del gruppo ed opportunamente collocata in struttura protetta.

Anche in questa occasione le attività hanno consentito di appurare che la donna sfruttata è stata mantenuta in stato di totale soggezione psicologia e fisica mediante l'utilizzo di vari riti voodoo della Nigeria occidentale.
La ragazza era stata acquistata dalla famiglia di origine in Nigeria (dove erano di stanza soggetti preposti al reclutamento) per una somma oscillante tra i 30.000 ed i 50.000 Euro, portata in Francia (a Parigi) con passaporto falso e con la scusa dell'aggregazione ad una squadra di calcio femminile nigeriana ed infine portata in Italia a Modena, dove ha esercitato l'attività di meretricio fino alla sua definitiva liberazione.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Why Germany Has No Obama


By Markus Feldenkirchen

If Barack Obama accomplished one thing in Berlin, it was to make it painfully obvious just how uninspiring German politicians are.

American Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's speech had ended an hour before and the skies over Berlin were taking on an ethereal reddish hue as the sun set. But Julian Metz was still glowing with enthusiasm. He spoke with nervous excitement, his words tumbling happily out of his mouth as if he had just lost his virginity. As indeed he had: his political virginity.

Germans were infatuated by Barack Obama -- partly because politicians here tend to be uninspiring.

Germans were infatuated by Barack Obama -- partly because politicians here tend to be uninspiring.

Julian Metz, a 27-year-old architecture student, had never before attended a speech by a politician, but he was determined to experience Obama. He arrived at Berlin's Victory Column three hours before the speech was scheduled to begin just so he could find a place at the front. He saw, heard and felt Obama, and in the end he even managed to shake the presidential candidate's hand. Metz was one of the few that got that close. Two-hundred thousand people turned out on the Strasse des 17. Juni to see Obama speak -- a crowd the likes of which one normally only sees if football is involved.

He had just become a part of history, or at least that is what Metz believed. "I felt that if he is voted into office, the world will change," he said, a tote bag from a local grocery store dangling from his wrist. He was electrified, infected with a new political bug, and he said that he now intends to become politically involved for the first time in his life. But there is only one problem. "Unfortunately," said Metz, "we have nothing comparable on the horizon in Germany."

For now, this is the one sobering message Barack Obama has left behind in Germany. His visit has raised a question, one that masks a deep longing: Why doesn't Germany have similarly inspiring politicians? Why can't Germany have its own Obama?

Germans may take some comfort in the fact that there is no Greek Obama, nor a Finnish or a South Korean Obama. The senator from Illinois appears to be the kind of rare political talent that even the United States sees only once in a great while. If John Kerry, the Democratic candidate in the 2004 presidential election, had given a speech in front of the Victory Column, his listeners would have been well-advised to bring along pillows -- just in case they happened to nod off during his remarks.

Nevertheless, the discrepancy between Obama and the political class in Germany couldn't be greater. The divide between the two is like the difference between night and day, between German folk singer Heino and the rock band Coldplay.

All it takes to recognize that difference is to compare their language. Obama's speech in downtown Berlin was a festival of big metaphors. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel gives a keynote speech, her words are usually about as alluring as a ring binder. Her speeches are about mundane topics like commuter tax relief and pensions, and if she uses metaphors at all, they are more than likely references to holes that require plugging. And about the only image Social Democratic Party (SPD) Chairman Kurt Beck seems able to conjure up is of the butter everyone is scraping from his toast.

There is much to criticize about Obama, including his support of the death penalty and the fact that his speeches tend to be short on content. But what remains is an ability to generate public enthusiasm for politics that offsets many of his shortcomings.

This is how French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once described the key to instilling passion into people: "If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, ... teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea." Obama has made this sentiment his mantra.

Obama, notwithstanding his unique abilities, is a typical product of American culture, the outcome of an approach to developing a child's personality that begins in kindergarten. In the United States, even three-year-olds are encouraged to bring their favorite things to school and explain them to other children. In high school, the art of giving presentations is a fixed part of the curriculum. The goal is to teach young Americans early on how to talk about one thing above all else: themselves. This too explains the audacious nonchalance with which someone like Obama presents himself -- an attitude that Germans find nothing short of astonishing.

But this is only one reason why Germany, despite exceptions like former Chancellor and SPD Chairman Willy Brandt, has produced mainly sober and often uninspiring politicians throughout the last 60 years. The passion and love of the stage that has helped make Obama an icon could have quickly destroyed political careers in Germany. Those with visions were advised to see their doctors.

A number of Germans would like to see an Obama-like politician in Germany.

A number of Germans would like to see an Obama-like politician in Germany.

Germans have had their fair share of experiences with charismatic speakers. After an entire people allowed itself to be seduced by Adolf Hitler, the architects of the postwar republic were more than justified in doing their utmost to protect the Germans from the seductive powers of an individual and, as a result, from themselves.

They devised a political system that emphasizes the party while placing little emphasis on the individual. They opted for an internal party selection process instead of the candidacy of individual politicians, a process that requires neither passion nor charisma, but does require a well padded behind. A political career in Germany depends far less on the people than on the party and its many manifestations, on entities like local party organizations, sub-districts, primary districts and intermediate districts.

But the party organizations value different characteristics than citizens do. Politicians can earn bonus points for a good attendance record and a pronounced ability to be patient. They can improve their prospects by spending the appropriate amount of time preparing the minutes of meetings, arranging for soft drinks at children's events or grilling bratwursts at summer barbecues. As praiseworthy as these activities are, they are easily performed without charisma.

The German system is designed to exclude demagogues, but it also cultivates mediocrity. It prevents the ascent of demons and geniuses alike, while paving the way for the political success of experts at the grill.

Unfortunately, the prospect of spending so many years grilling bratwursts and the like discourages many from becoming politically involved. Others eventually give up and move on to other fields. There were good reasons for Germany to place its trust in this system after the disgrace of the Nazi era. But now it seems that Germany is ready for change of its own.

It is no coincidence that there were so many young people in Obama's audience of 200,000 in Berlin. While not unaware of their own history, the generation of 25-year-olds feels far less inhibited by it than its predecessors. The younger generation is no longer susceptible to older Germans' instinctive aversion to passionate politicians. On the contrary, young Germans yearn for someone to inspire them instead of simply telling them what to do. They want to have the same rights as their generational counterparts in the United States.

For these reasons, it would make sense for Germany to open itself up to new forms when it comes to choosing its political leaders. Primary campaigns, in which candidates would have to present their cases to a broader public, would also increase interest in politics in general. And the political system in Germany would be instilled with new life if it could finally offer political outsiders real prospects.

Structures that were once conceived to protect democracy from its enemies are no longer necessarily current, now that 60 years have passed since they were created. The political parties should have the courage to change these structures, and thus to protect democracy from its new foes: lethargy and boredom.,1518,568876,00.html


Immigrati, Consiglio Europa: in Italia violati i diritti umani

Reuters - da 20 minuti 29/07/2008

BRUXELLES (Reuters) - Il commissario per i diritti umani del Consiglio d'Europa ha criticato le misure attuate dall'Italia in materia di immigrazione dicendo che violano i diritti umani e potrebbero alimentare la xenofobia nel Paese.

"Le misure attuate in Italia non tengono conto dei diritti umani e dei principi umanitari e potrebbero fomentare altri episodi xenofobi", ha detto il commissario Thomas Hammarberg nel suo rapporto sulla visita effettuata gli scorsi 19 e 20 giugno in Italia per discutere della nuova politica del governo Berlusconi in materia di immigrazione.


I had the good fortune of living in Cote D'Ivoire for almost 7 years. It is a beautiful country with wonderful people, incredible music, great food and excellent beaches. I must confess that despite the recent insecurity and fighting that nation has experienced, Cote D'Ivoire and specifically, the city of Abidjan, will always have a special place in my heart.

Well, Cote D'Ivoire, or the Ivory Coast as non-French speakers call it, has done something that Nigeria's government should pay attention to. There was a
riot in April when the government increased the price of diesel. In response, the Ivorian government has just announced that it will slash the salaries of Ministers by half to subsidize the lower cost of diesel for the masses.
This action is unparalleled in West Africa as far as I am aware. In fact, I have never heard of such happening anywhere. And, even though it could simply be a means to get votes for the upcoming November elections, the mere fact that the Ivorian government listened to the people and took a decisive step to make appease citizens is commendable. I do no know how far this decision will go to keep diesel prices at a manageable price for Ivorians, but the fact that Ministers will experience a pay cut shows that that nation's leaders are willing to bear the burdens of tough global economic times right alongside the common man. This is enough to give the people confidence in their government and hope that future disagreements will be solved by compromise.

Now, if only there was such unparalleled action in Nigeria on a whole host of issues....


I called in sick on Friday sounding like I could die the very next second then decided I was on diet and ate loads of beans…wore a maxi dress and went baby cloth shopping…No, Afro is not pregnant…My friend Fluffy got married a while ago and has a bun or a puff puff in the oven. Need to tell you the story of how I met Fluffy, very dramatic…The girl sabi panic no be small...Don't commit any crime with her cos you will be caught…Hence baby shopping donkey months before baby is due!

Hoping I wouldn't run into anyone as Oxford street is really close to my office I go into H&M, got some stuff for baby, couldn't resist a little something for myself.

While in the shop I felt a sudden sharp cramp which must have been a result of too much breakfast and leaned on a cloth rack holding my tummy. Now this is the image, I am in new born babies section, tiny cloths in one hand, using same hand to hold tummy and using other hand to hold on to cloth rack wearing a maxi dress.

I saw a shop girl rushing to me with a seat, followed closely by 2 other shop girls, she asked me to sit and they asked if it was my first baby, that was when I realised what was going on…Did I put them right? NO… told them it was my first then touched my head and said my blood sugar was low, one of them ran off and came back with a coke which I quickly!

Leaving the shop I see people collecting something, Afro does not know what it is but being the African that I am quickly rushed over to collect as well…Some new drink, I collect from 3 different people…yes, I got 3 bottles and immediately drank one…The coke had turned to blood sugar by then.Then I decided I needed to munch something and got 3 donuts and went to primark to do some more baby shopping, baby things look colourful and cheap, kai, the things I got for £5 at H & M are £2.50 here, so I go mad and shop my ass off, forgetting the money is not just for clothes…oh well…couldn't resist getting 3 sexy night wears for myself…kai, but primark nighties are cute…cheap but a shop attendant seeing as I am pregnant and saddled with load came and carriedthem to the till for me.

Then I have a large subway sandwich with my free drink, at this time even I had forgotten I wasn't really pregnant. Needed the energy for the trip home.

Went home and immediately fell asleep, the sign of good exercise, or maybe it was the pounded yam I had with the last free drink seeing as I didnt have lunch, I should have taken 4 of those drinks..., hmmmm next time!! I must have lost at least a kilo with all that walking around from shop to shop…Mrs Somebody and Calabar girl will be so proud of me…NOT!!!! Must do it more often though cos it was fun.

Later in the evening parakeet and I go to a naija show, Nice and Olu maintain (yahoozee) Didn't really dig Nice, maybe cos I don't understand a word of what he was saying but that olu maintain is an entertainer men…The guy gave a good interactive show while Nice mimed… It wasn't all fun though as the silly DJ hailed everyone and said we all looked nice in our primark dresses ( To those in naija, this is equivalent to being told your tejuosho dress looks good) The thing pained me big time because I got the cute dress I was wearing from primark…long hissssss!!!

Then Parakeet's ex bobo came to take us home, that was the second time I was meeting him but the same thought came to my mind…HOW IN HEAVENS NAME DO YOU UPGRADE ON PERFECTION??? His height, voice, good spoken English, clean, huuuuuuuuuu the joggers danggggg… I whispered to Parakeet, good luck upping that!! Why the hell is he ex anyway? I would forgive him any crime, in fact I'd beg him to commit a crime just so I could forgive him!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

FG To Send Prince Erediauwa To Italy

Sunday, February 17, 2008
FG To Send Prince Erediauwa To Italy

The complexion of the designation of Nigeria's ambassadors being posted out now has started to emerge.

The Guardian has confirmed by the weekend that Benin crown prince, Eheneden Erediauwa is being sent to Italy. He had served as Nigeria's plenipotentiary to Sweden and Angola.

Diplomatic sources confirmed that the Prince is now awaiting his agreement from Rome. The request for Agreement was sent almost three weeks ago.

The need to resurrect a positive image for Nigeria, historical antecedents as well as strengthening the war against human trafficking are said to be the factors that determined which of the ambassadors-designates is to be sent to Italy.

Edo State is reputed to have the highest number of Nigerians who have been trafficked to Italy within the last two decades.

A high-level foreign ministry source, who responded to The Guardian's enquiry, said, " Government has done its own home work. The ancient Benin kingdom used to exchange ambassadors with Portugal in the 16th and 17th centuries and had contacts with the Dutch before the British people came. We needed someone who can completely fulfill the mandate in Italy. It is citizens' diplomacy at work..."

Last week, the Italian government, through its embassy in Abuja, signed an agreement with Nigeria on "Preventing and combating trafficking of minors and young women from Nigeria to Italy (Phase 2)"

The Nigerian community in Italy has doubled in the last five years (11,378 in 1998, 19,505 in 2002, up to 24,986 in 2003)


Sunday, July 27, 2008


(ANSA)Two Nigerian children die on boat trying to reach Italy:

26/07/2008 18:09

Two Nigerian children aged two and four died trying to reach Italy on a boat carrying 75 illegal immigrants, Italy's Ansa news agency said Saturday.

The bodies of the two children were thrown into the sea, their father told the crew of an Italian coast guard launch that rescued the group.According to the father, his two-year-old son began vomiting during the night soon after their boat left. He died soon after. His four-year-old sister later died of dehydration, Ansa reported.

The father said he was travelling alone with his children.The boat, a large rubber dinghy carrying 75 passengers, was picked up Saturday by the Italian coast guard south of the island of Lampedusa in the Strait of Sicily.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Prostituzione: espulsioni e ordinanze non cambiano niente

Ivan Rescalli, coordinatore del progetto "Unità di strada" della cooperativa "Lotta contro l'emarginazione" racconta il lavoro svolto per aiutare le ragazze sfruttate
Prostituzione: espulsioni e ordinanze non cambiano niente

Non di decreti di espulsione o ordinanze è fatta la lotta contro la prostituzione. O meglio, il tentativo di salvare le ragazze dal racket e dallo sfruttamento di chi le obbliga a prostituirsi. È quello che fa dal 2000 la cooperativa "Lotta contro l'emarginazione" ed in particolare il progetto "Unità di strada", coordinato da Ivan Rescalli: «In sostanza il nostro è un lavoro di indagine e contatto con le persone che si prostituiscono in strada e in appartamento: diamo consigli a livello sanitario sulla tutela propria e del cliente – spiega Rescalli -. Noi non obblighiamo nessuno, qualora ne facciano richiesta accompagniamo le ragazze nelle strutture d'accoglienza gestite in rete con la Cnca (Coordinamento Nazionale Comunità di Accoglienza)». C'è una legge italiana inserita nel testo unico sull'immigrazione adottata dalla Turco-Napolitano e accolta dalla Bossi-Fini che all'articolo 18 garantisce a chi denuncia di essere vittima di tratta o di sfruttamento sessuale o lavorativo di poter godere di un particolare permesso di soggiorno di 6 mesi rinnovabile per altri 6, convertibile al termine del lungo e difficile iter di reinserimento nella società nel permesso di soggiorno "normale". In questi anni sono state circa 50 le ragazze che hanno aderito al progetto della cooperativa "Lotta contro l'emarginazione": solo due non hanno concluso il percorso, mentre le atre sono riuscite a liberarsi dal patto criminale che le teneva soggiogate.

Gli operatori del progetto di "Unità di strada" sono una decina. Alcuni numeri per dare il quadro della situazione in provincia di Varese: sulla strada sono un'ottantina, soprattutto nigeriane, mentre le rumene e le albanesi sono molte meno, di età compresa tra i 18 (a volte meno) e i 32 anni come massimo. Le africane sono stanziali, stanno nel Tradatese, nei dintorni del Parco Pineta e a Pian Bosco, a Gorla e Cairate, alcune a Busto Arsizio la sera: aspettano i clienti sedute, sono sfruttate da connazionali che hanno un accordo economico con le ragazze, un debito che cresce fino quasi a raddoppiare dal viaggio alla permanenza in Italia, sono ospitate da sfruttatrici donne (ultimamente anche uomini) che pagano per loro e le controllano. Le bianche invece aspettano in piedi, sono controllate a vista dai loro uomini, spesso pseudo fidanzati o conviventi che le obbligano a vendersi e le controllano a vista («è capitato spesso che nei nostri servizi sulla strada gli sfruttatori passassero più volte in auto, telefonassero e si facessero vedere da lontano», spiega Rescalli): si possono trovare a Gorla, Cairate, Lonate Pozzolo e al confine col Piemonte. I rapporti sulla strada sono spesso mordi e fuggi, cose veloci, consumate da ogni tipo di cliente, di età e classe sociale variabile. Gli stessi clienti che pescano negli appartamenti, un supermercato del sesso molto più ampio e con numeri ben maggiori: si parla di almeno 250 numeri di telefono a disposizione, per un'offerta diversificata che va da Varese città a Sesto Calende, passando per l'asse di Malpensa. Sono ragazze e transessuali, di età comprese tra i 20 e i 50 anni, spesso sudamericane/i, ma anche le cinesi sono tantissime: i controlli sono anche in questo caso ferrei, le case sono spesso in subaffitto, per andare con una cinese bisogna passare da una sorta di servizio di smistamento gestito da una vera e propria organizzazione ramificata, praticamente sempre per esercitare in appartamento gli sfruttatori scendono a patti (economici) con la criminalità locale in un ambiente di illegalità diffusa. In appartamento vengono fornite le più disparate prestazioni, gli operatori hanno sentito e registrato di tutto e di più.

Avvicinare e convincere le ragazze a cercare vie "pulite", uscendo dal circolo del racket della prostituzione, non è facile: «I decreti di espulsione come quello di Lonate servono a poco – spiega Rascalli -. Già anni fa su una frequentatissima strada provinciale in Piemonte, al confine con Lonate, i sindaci a turno mandavano via le prostitute dalle proprie strade: loro non facevano altro che spostarsi in quello vicino, rinviando il "problema" senza risolverlo. È una questione complessa, non bisognerebbe fermarsi a quello che fa male agli occhi, ma analizzare nel profondo con la partecipazione di tutti. È il mestiere più antico del mondo, ricordiamocelo sempre. Bisogna combattere il favoreggiamento e lo sfruttamento, educando le ragazze credendo in loro e nella loro voglia di libertà».

Friday, July 25, 2008

Barack Obama's Berlin Speech


I just watched Barack Obama's historic speech in Berlin.

Visit the website to watch the video:

In a city where a wall once divided the free from the oppressed, Barack talked about tearing down the walls that divide all peoples so we can address our common problems -- the threats of terrorism and nuclear weapons, global warming and genocide, AIDS and poverty.


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Thursday, July 24, 2008


La GdF sequestra 30 chili di droga: nove corrieri in manette

Settimana di sequestri record a Malpensa. La Guardia di Finanza ha intercettato, tra il 14 ed il 20 luglio, nove corrieri africani ed europei (provenienti da Nigeria, Togo, Senegal, Ghana, Costa d'Avorio e Grecia) in arrivo dagli aeroporti più importanti del mondo (Amsterdam, Dusseldorf, Lisbona, Madrid, Accra, Lima e San Paolo) diretti in Italia o in transito per raggiungere altre destinazioni estere, con 26,5 chili di cocaina.

I corrieri sono stati scoperti benché avessero messo in pratica i metodi più "fantasiosi ed originali" per nascondere la droga e superare i controlli: dai consueti sistemi di occultamento in doppi fondi ricavati nei bagagli fino all'ingerimento di ovuli, da nascondigli ricavati all'interno delle scarpe ai flaconi di bagnoschiuma ripieni di coca. I finanzieri hanno anche bloccato alcune spedizioni postali di pacchi, provenienti da Lima e Madrid e diretti in Italia e in Iran, nei quali era stata occultata cocaina per un totale di 2,26 chilogrammi ed uno circa di hashish, con sistemi altrettanto ingegnosi e particolari, ancora con confezioni di sapone liquido, cartoline e mappe turistiche piene di droga infilata all'interno del meccanismo di un orologio da parete e così via.

I corrieri finiti in manette sono una nigeriana di 26 anni proveniente da Amsterdam con 3 flaconi di bagnoschiuma all'interno dei quali erano nascosti 121 ovuli di cocaina per un peso di 1,3 chili; un togolese di 33 anni ed un senegalese di 22, provenienti da Dusseldorf, con oltre 4 chili di cocaina nascosti nelle scarpe; un ovulatore/ingoiatore senegalese di 37 anni proveniente da Lisbona che, dal momento del controllo al successivo trasporto in ospedale ha "evacuato" quasi 1,2 chilogrammi di cocaina contenuta in 61 ovuli; un ghanese di 39 anni proveniente da Accra che nel doppiofondo della sua valigia aveva oltre 4 chilogrammi di cocaina, arrestato con un altro connazionale di 35 anni che lo attendeva per ritirare il pacco, mediante un'operazione di consegna controllata eseguita fuori dalle sale arrivi dell'aeroporto; una greca di 47 anni, proveniente da San Paolo e diretta ad Atene, che nel doppiofondo del borsone aveva 6 chilogrammi circa di cocaina; un ivoriano di 25 anni che nel doppiofondo della valigia aveva quasi 5 chili di cocaina; un'altra donna greca di 32 anni, proveniente anch'essa da San Paolo e diretta ad Atene, che portava con sé quasi 5 chilogrammi di cocaina nel doppiofondo del trolley.

Dall'inizio dell'anno, la Guardia di Finanza di Malpensa ha sequestrato oltre 350 chilogrammi di droga, 250 dei quali di cocaina. In manette sono finite in tutto 51 persone.

Neonato morto.......... "Potevamo salvarlo"

"Serve più informazione, la circoncisione si può fare in ospedale". "Dobbiamo prendere atto che l'Italia è multiculturale"
Roma – 23 luglio 2008 - "Provo dolore e rispetto per la morte di questo bambino. Ma avremmo salvato una vita se fossimo riusciti a far sapere ai suoi genitori che potevano rivolgersi a una struttura sanitaria".

la morte del neonato ucciso a Bari da una circoncisione fatta in casa, il professor Aldo Morrone ha parole amare. Secondo il direttore dell' Istituto Nazionale per la Promozione della Salute delle Popolazioni Migranti, quella tragedia, figlia anche di un difetto di informazione, "si poteva evitare".

"Dobbiamo far sapere ai cittadini stranieri e alle fasce più deboli degli italiani che esiste un servizio sanitario nato per loro, che sostiene la loro salute, al quale si possono rivolgere con serenità e con fiducia" dice Morrone a "Nella paura, nell'ignoranza, si dà spazio a chi opera senza alcuna competenza. Succede così che un intervento semplice come una circoncisione porti alla morte di un bambino".

Quel bambino poteva essere circonciso in un ospedale?
"Certo, il problema è il pagamento: alcune Regioni hanno fatto in modo che sia a carico del servizio sanitario, altre prevedono il ticket. Ma che la circoncisione possa essere effettuata in qualunque struttura sanitaria pubblica è sicuro. Anche il comitato nazionale di bioetica si è già espresso".

E cosa ha detto?
"Anni fa ha spiegato con chiarezza che la circoncisione rituale maschile poteva essere effettuata anche nelle strutture sanitarie pubbliche o da personale specializzato all'interno di alcune confessioni religiose. Il problema è che l'intervento non sarebbe stato ammesso all'esenzione del ticket, in quanto non era il rimedio a una patologia".

Perché alcune Regioni non lo fanno pagare?
"È una scelta fatta proprio per evitare tragedie come quella di Bari. Io credo che ci voglia realismo".

"Ormai il 5-6 % della popolazione in Italia è straniero e per tanti l'appartenenza religiosa e le pratiche ad essa legate sono elementi importanti di identità, non possiamo non tenerne conto. Se fossimo capaci di avvicinare davvero queste persone, non eviteremmo solo le morti per circoncisione ma anche gli aborti clandestini, salveremmo tantissime vite umane".

Il sottosegretario alla salute, Francesca Martini, parla di pratiche barbare da scoraggiare…
"Secondo diversi studi la circoncisione contrasterebbe addirittura la diffusione dell'Hiv, liquidarla come una barbarie è un pochino difficile. È un intervento di estrema semplicità, dobbiamo valutare l'ipotesi che il nostro servizio sanitario si apra a questa domanda. Pratiche distanti, difficili da comprendere nel nostro modello culturale, non per questo sono barbare e primitive".

E l'infibulazione?
"È una cosa sicuramente diversa. Abbiamo finalmente una legge, ma anche in questo caso il modo migliore per contrastare è il dialogo. Molte donne si rivolgono al nostro istituto pensando che vi si effettuino mutilazioni genitali femminili".

Cosa rispondete?

"Non le cacciamo, ma cerchiamo di capire le loro ragioni. Spieghiamo loro, attraverso mediatrici culturali che hanno vissuto sulla loro pelle la mutilazione, come si possa abbandonare questa pratica senza abbandonare la propria cultura".

Crede che il nostro servizio sanitario si adeguato a questa sfide?
"Gli amministratori sono schiacciati a calcolare quante prestazioni vengono effettuate e se queste compensano il carico degli stipendi erogati. Non c'è umanità. Soprattutto, manca una cultura della salute, che non può essere solo medicalizzazione, ma anche andare in ospedale a raccontare i propri problemi, a cercare idee e consigli".

Un problema che riguarda italiani e stranieri…
"È un problema di tutti, paradossalmente le Regioni investono di più per fare un'operazione chirurgica che per prevenirla.. La presenza degli stranieri può essere però la grande sfida per rimodulare il servizio sanitario, facilitare l'accesso, ridurre e razionalizzare i costi, migliorare l'efficacia degli interventi".

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Baby dies after home circumcision

Baby dies after home circumcision
(ANSA) Second case in two months
July 22 - 2008-07-22 17:00 - Bari,
A two-month old boy died Tuesday after a circumcision carried out at the home of his Nigerian-born parents.The baby was rushed to a Bari hospital after the rudimentary operation went wrong but died of a haemorrhage, police said.Judicial sources said judges were weighing whether to place the boy's 24-year-old mother under investigation for manslaughter - along with the unidentified 'surgeon' when he is caught.It was the second such case in the last two months.Commenting on the case, Fabio Ferri of Rome's Bambin Gesu' Hospital said circumcisions were even ''risky'' in hospital because of the high amount of blood in the penis.''(The operation) should always be performed by experienced doctors in a hospital,'' he said.Souad Sbai of the Association of Moroccan Women in Italy said all Islamic boys in Italy were circumcised, with ''many'' having the operation at home and only a few going to the doctor.Sbai added that many girls were still being taken back to their countries of origin to be infibulated despite the practice being banned in Italy since 2006.''The situation has decidedly changed for the better but we need more money for awareness programmes and to support infibulated women,'' she Bari's Policlinico Hospitaloriginal article:

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


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Sunday, July 20, 2008


The review is ok but I think it is just a matter of semantics; what needed to be reviewed if possible is the deed (culture) and I promise you, it will be difficult.
Dedication,presentation etc. are cultures found mainly in the old testament which (the 'new wave')some Christians who do not accept infant baptism use in approaching the child to the church, Christian teachings and traditions.

It is also in many cases a integration of our African traditional 'NAMING CEREMONY' with Christian practices. The two ceremonies get interwoven and confused in many occasions I have attended. To make peace with my head I have always had my thoughts and prayers towards a child being welcomed or initiated into the community/tradition of his or her parents and of the Abacha, palmie etc that may follow afterwards i.e 'ITEM 7'
In the old times, infants do not enter the church until they are baptised.They are baptised at the back of the church or in a place detached from the consecrated church before they are presented or brought into the church (Nkubata Nwa). This is still being practiced in some of our parishes but without any imposition though. Even some of our church programs makes it that infants are baptised on ordinary days especially in the evenings.

I was thought and I believe that a child should be welcomed into Christianity and the Christian community through baptism and thought the ways of Christ. All other welcoming into the community/society-Christian etc with pomp and pageantry are also acceptable. Just watch out for 'Item 7' and peace will be with you.
FYI; Oluchi Emmanuela Chukwubike is already a Christian (baptised after birth).
We welcome her into the Christian community and Chukwubikes family.
Thank you once more TOU
Happy Sunday.
Chukwubike Okey.C

--- Anthony Ugwueke <> schrieb am Sa, 19.7.2008:

Von: Anthony Ugwueke <>
Datum: Samstag, 19. Juli 2008, 20:04

Chinedu & family & the entire Chukwubikes


I just hit Abuja from Enugu and never had the news, I would have stayed one or two nights to attend.

Anyway I am there with you guys in spirit

May use this opportunity to correct an impression. At the last of meeting of CMO of Our Lady Queen of Nigeria, the issue of DEDICATION OR PRESENTATION OF CHILD was seriously reviewed and it was agreed that the correct position as Catholics was 'presentation'. May we especially Catholics take note of this.




You are cordially invited to the dedication mass of our new born baby-

Miss Oluchi Emmanuela Chukwubike at Abakpa Nike on Sunday 20th July 2008 .

Thanks giving and dedication Holy mass starts by 10.30am .

Reception follows immediatly at our (Chinedus') residence behind Silver&Gold hotel (Liberty) Nike.

You are all welcome.

Chinedu and Geraldine Chukwubike

08051155775/ 08053561445/ 042320215


Lagos, Nigeria - As the world celebrated the 90th birthday of South Afric a's freedom fighter and first post-apertheid President Nelson Mandela, the Nigerian media went to town this week, devoting editorials and opinion lead articles to the Madiba.The Guardian newspaper captioned its editorial "Nelson Mandela at 90"; the Daily Independent: in its editorial opinion, used the headline "Celebrating Nelson Madiba Mandela at 90" and Thisday newspaper's opinion "Celebrating Mandela at 90".The Punch newspaper published an opinion article on Mandela, written by Mike Woo ldridge, under the headline "Mandela, the sensitive leader at 90" while the Vanguard newspaper in another opinion article by Owei Lakemfa, headlined it "The moral authority called Mandela".According to the Guardian, "Nelson Rolihlahla ('troublemaker') Mandela was the son of a Xhosa-speaking Thembu chief, Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa. He attended the University of Forte Hare in Alice, where he became involved in fervid political struggle against the racial discrimination practised in South Africa."The new South African Constitution, which Nelson Mandela signed into law in 1996, allows a maximum of two terms for a president. Mandela voluntarily elected to quit office in 1999, after a single term in office, very much unlike many other A frican leaders; nor does he belong to the category of African presidents who shift the goal-post (amending their constitutions to incorporate longer terms of office).The Guardian described "Nelson Mandela as a veritable man of the people, self-ab negating, humanistic and altruistic. Upon his release from prison in 1990, his people made to usher him into a palatial edifice. In his words, "There were many in the ANC who advised me to move to the home a few blocks away, in Diepkloof extension, that Winnie had built while I was in prison."It was a grand place by Soweto standards, but it was a house that held no meani ng or memories for me. Moreover, it was a house that, because of its size and expense, seemed somehow inappropriate for a leader of the people. I rejected that advice... I wanted to live not only among the people, but like them....""As Nelson Mandela, popularly called the "Madiba", celebrates his 90th birthday today, we join the rest of the world to proffer our bouquets to this pre-eminentAfrican son, this moral torchbearer of our world, and this quintessential great man. We congratulate him on his selfless achievements and longevity," the Guardian wrote.In the opinion of the Daily Independent, "It is worth mentioning that Mandela - just like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - was greatly influenced by the non-violent protest methods of India's Mahatma Gandhi. Like Gandhi, he believed in facing adversity with dignity."Be that as it may, he was pushed to renouncing the non-violent means of overturning apartheid by the buoying popularity of more radical groups like the Pan African Congress (PAC) as well as the frustrating lack of progress from peaceful measures. He consequently conceded that there was no effective alternative to an arm e d struggle, culminating in the formation of the MK.According to the tabloid, "Two actions go a long way to further highlight the moral fibre and large-heartedness of Mandela: He refused to support the cry for an ame change of the Parliament because Hendrik Verwoerd (the assassinated apartheid-era Premier after whom the complex was named) was the man that sent him to jail . He also refused to approve the destruction of Pieter Botha's statue (1st Executive President of apartheid South Africa)."At a time that very little positive news is emanating from Africa, it is exhila rating that the world would be celebrating the life and times of this global icon - Nelson Mandela: a 24-carat 20th Century gem from Africa to the rest of the world. Daily Independent wishes the Madiba a memorable 90th birthday anniversary.Thisday newspaper, in its opinion wrote "Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is indeed a living legend. He is 90 years old today. Weeks before his 90th birthday, the world could literally not wait to celebrate him. On June 27, 2008 a very well attended and colourful musical concert was held for him at Hyde Park, London."Although he now walks slowly with the support of a stick and aids, he still has much life in him. While calling on African leaders to learn a lesson or two from this worthy son of Africa, we wish Madiba many," the paper wrote.Wooldridge wrote in his opinion in The Punch "He (Mandela) dedicated his life to a political crusade and became South Africa’s first black president, but Nelson Mandela never lost the personal touch – as those who know him explain. Nelson Mandela’s release from jail after 27 years, in 1990, brought hope of sweeping polit i cal change after the turbulent days of apartheid.Lakemfa, in the Vanguard newspaper opinion also wrote that Mandela "is not even clothed in any religious garb. He is simply human and his life, like his first wife Evelyn Mase and second wife Winnie Madikizela attested, is like that of any other mortal with all its fallibles."Mandela’s towering figure, his transformations through life and embodiment of the struggles of the weak and colonised and their eventual triumph, makes him a very difficult personality to capture in a single write-up."I have therefore limited myself to a tiny aspect of his life; the moral authority he wields. Never in history has anybody of African descent wielded so much moral authority in the world as Nelson Mandela.According to Lakemfa, "Mandela was not born a legend, he acquired it. He used to say that “Nurture, rather than nature, is the primary moulder of personality”. To be able to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s ninetieth birthday, no matter how tangentially, is an historic honour."Lagos - 19/07/2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008




Apprendo ora che il ns illustre concittadino ci ha lasciati.
CISTERNAONLINE desidera ricordarlo con una delle sue ultime apparizioni pubbliche durante la consegna del Premio Città di Cisterna 2007 a Mauro Buccitti.
Ai familiari tutti vivissime condoglianze dalla redazione e mie personali.
Giuseppe M. Belli

Note biografiche:

Nicola Merolla è nato a Cisterna di Latina il 14 gennaio 1932. Primo di quattro figli, la sua infanzia è stata caratterizzata dagli eventi bellici della seconda guerra mondiale, lo sbarco degli alleati ad Anzio, le bombe che devastano il paese, l'esodo forzato da Cisterna, la grande fame, la povertà, l'essere costretto ad abbandonare la scuola per aiutare la famiglia, sono elementi fondamentali che segnano la sua vita, per fortuna su di lui hanno un effetto positivo, rafforzano in lui la voglia di emergere, di lavorare per migliorare la sua condizione sociale. Si dà da fare provando tutti i mestieri, dal ragazzo di bottega al panettiere, dal sarto all'idraulico fino a trovare il lavoro che sarebbe stata la sua vita il "Fabbro". All' età di quattordici anni già capeggiava una squadra di quindici persone fino ad arrivare nel 1955 a 23 anni ad aprire un'attività tutta sua.

Il 2 giugno del 1975 è stato insignito del titolo di "Cavaliere al Merito della Repubblica". L'amore per il suo paese e per un riconoscimento verso la vita lo spingono ad impegnarsi nel sociale. Nel 1963 è stato Vice Presidente del Pro Cisterna nell'era Orsini, per poi riprendere la squadra nel 1973 retrocessa in 1^categoria, fino alla vittoria nel campionato di Promozione del 1975/1976 per il ritorno in serie "D".
Per molti anni è stato lo sponsor della corsa ciclistica intitolata alla Madonna del Divino Amore, divenuta un appuntamento classico per la categoria cicloamatori, è stato consigliere comunale dal 1975 al 1985 assumendo anche la nomina di assessore, è stato membro del comitato per il monumento del Carabiniere Salvo D'Acquisto, ha costruito personalmente e donato il cancello monumentale artistico della collegiata S.Maria Assunta di Cisterna, è stato promotore e sostenitore di molteplici attività sociali e culturali.
Nel 1989 ha ricevuto il "Premio Simpatia" in Campidoglio a Roma. Presidente dal 2004 della commissione del "Premio Cisterna", socio fondatore e Vice Presidente dell'Associazione Culturale "Oasi dell'Antica Ninfa

La vena poetica di Nicola Merolla si scopre quando per conquistare la donna che amava scrive versi d'amore e vista la capacità di trasformare in parole i propri sentimenti iniziava a scrivere per gli amici poesie e scritti da dedicare alle proprie amate. Questa vena poetica col tempo si assopiva, ma nel 1988 dopo un delicato intervento di neurochirurgia che lo costringe ad una lunga convalescenza, si risvegliava in lui la voglia di scrivere le proprie sensazioni, le proprie emozioni ritrovate per il timore di perdere la vita e le capacità intellettive. Trasmettere i propri sentimenti, descrivere momenti di vita vissuta, i ricordi d'infanzia, spaccati di vita del dopoguerra, i giochi di una volta, riflessioni su persone e cose, l'amore che prova per sua moglie, per i figli, per i nipoti e la sua grande fede cristiana, era ormai per lui, dopo aver lasciato il lavoro, l'attività principale. Nel 2000 ha pubblicato il suo primo libro "L'Allegra Sassaiola" con la casa editrice Pagine di Roma.
Nel 2007 ha pubblicato il volume "San Rocco e le sue statue a Cisterna", volume distribuito in forma gratuita e donato alle parrocchie Santa Maria Assunta e San Valentino, e che lo scorso 20 maggio, è stato al centro di una lezione alla Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, cattedra di Storia Moderna, all'Università Roma Tre.
Ha partecipato a varie manifestazioni culturali piazzandosi sempre ai primi posti

20 maggio 2008 - Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, cattedra di Storia Moderna, all'Università Roma Tre.
Ultima immagine pubblica

Domani, 15 luglio, alle ore 11, si celebreranno i funerali nella Chiesa Santa Maria Assunta in Cielo.

articolo originale.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Should Prostitution Be Legalized at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa?

A RESEARCHER on organised crime has warned that the legalisation of prostitution for the 2010 Soccer World Cup could lead to a boom in human trafficking and the commercial sex industry such as that seen in Germany, if it is not regulated.
With the World Cup looming nearer, discussions about the decriminalisation of prostitution have intensified, supported by advocacy groups.
An international conference on prostitution and trafficking, specific to the 2010 Soccer World Cup, is to be held in East London next month to discuss the problem.
Shanaaz Parker, a researcher for the organised crime and money laundering programme of the Institute of Security Studies, said on Friday the legalisation of prostitution in Australia, Germany and the Netherlands was not a decision taken lightly, but in the case of the latter two countries human trafficking has increased.
Discussions about the legalisation of prostitution have been promoted by advocacy groups such as the Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Task Force , which believe it would prevent unnecessary arrests of sex workers and improve conditions in the sector.
“The argument is that the World Cup will push up the demand for sex workers and the services they provide, so we should simply decriminalise this form of work and give the sex industry some dignity,” Parker said.
“But even then, if sex work is recognised as a profession, there is no guarantees that the women (or men) engaged in it will be treated with respect and that human trafficking in terms of the commercial sex industry will decrease. On the contrary, Germany and the Netherlands have seen an expansion of human trafficking and commercial sex industries during its legislation.”
The situation is of particular concern as SA had been identified as a transit destination for human trafficking.
Parker said that the Sexual Offences Act and the Prevention of Organised Crime Act are used to combat human trafficking. “New legislation would have to be drawn up very strategically to separate the sex trade from human trafficking,” she said.
Legalisation would also not necessarily help to reduce HIV/AIDS, Parker said.
“In Germany sex workers are able to join unions and access health insurance. However, even after four years of legislation, many sex workers still prefer not to register, fearing stigmatisation,” she said.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

"I am asking you to believe"

Keep the Momentum Going



We have the pleasure to inform you that we have published the Call for Proposals for projects submission in the framework of the WMIDA – Migrant Women for Development in Africa – Programme, promoted by IOM with the support of the Italian Cooperation .

The Call for Proposals is open to women coming from Western African countries residing in Italy and to their associations, wishing to set up social enterprises and co-development projects in their countries of origin. Selected projects will be supported by means of a grant and technical assistance (professional training course and tutoring during the project's start up).

Please find attached the Call for Proposals in three languages – Italian, English and French – and the Project Application Form to be filled in to participate in the selection process. The Call for Proposals contains all the necessary information to present your project, which will have to be submitted in electronic format no later than September, 30th, 2008.

In case of problems in opening the attached file, please contact us (see reference below): we will send you the Call for Proposals and the Application Form in the desired language.

We are of course at your disposal for any further information or clarification you may need.

Kind regards

MIDA – Migration for Development in Africa

International Organization for Migration

Via Nomentana, 62

00161 Rome

Tel: 06 44 186 223/228 - Fax 06 440 25 33



Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer de la publication de l'Appel à Propositions pour la présentation de projets dans le cadre du Programme WMIDA – Migrant Women for Development in Africa, promu par l'OIM avec le soutien de la Coopération Italienne.

L'Appel à Propositions est ouvert aux femmes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest résidantes en Italie et à leurs associations, désirant démarrer des projets d'entreprenariat social et co-développement dans leur pays d'origine. Les projets sélectionnés seront soutenus par une contribution financière ainsi que par un appui technique (cours de formation professionnelle et accompagnement pendant la phase de démarrage du projet).

Vous allez trouver ci-joint l'Appel à Propositions en trois langues – Italien, Anglais et Français – et la Fiche de Projet à remplir pour participer à la sélection dans le cadre du Programme WMIDA. L'Appel à Propositions contient toutes les informations pour présenter votre projet, qui devra être soumis en format électronique avant le 30 septembre 2008.

En cas de problèmes pendant l'ouverture du document attaché, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse ci-dessous: nous allons vous envoyer l'Appel à Propositions et la Fiche de Projet dans la langue désirée.

Nous restons à votre disposition pour toutes clarifications et informations supplémentaires.

Sincères salutations

MIDA – Migration for Development in Africa

Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations

Via Nomentana, 62

00161 Rome

Tel: 06 44 186 223/228 - Fax 06 440 25 33



Abbiamo il piacere di informarvi dell'uscita del Bando per la presentazione delle proposte progettuali nell'ambito del Programma WMIDA – Migrant Women for Development in Africa, gestito dall'OIM con il supporto della Cooperazione Italiana.

Il Bando è aperto alle donne provenienti da paesi dell'Africa occidentale residenti in Italia e alle loro associazioni, che desiderano avviare progetti di impresa sociale e co-sviluppo nel proprio paese d'origine. I progetti selezionati riceveranno supporto sotto forma di contributo finanziario ed assistenza tecnica (corso di formazione professionale e accompagnamento durante la fase di avvio dell'impresa).

In allegato troverete il testo del Bando in tre lingue – italiano, inglese e francese - e il relativo Modulo di Presentazione Progetti, da compilare per partecipare alla selezione nel quadro del Programma WMIDA. Il Bando contiene tutte le indicazioni per la presentazione dei progetti, che dovranno essere inviati in formato elettronico entro il 30 settembre 2008.

In caso di problemi nell'apertura del file allegato, potete contattarci ai recapiti sottostanti per richiedere il Bando e il Modulo nella lingua desiderata.

Restiamo naturalmente a vostra disposizione per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione o chiarimento relativo alle modalità di presentazione dei progetti.

Cordiali saluti

Programma MIDA – Migration for Development in Africa

Organizzazione Internazionale per le Migrazioni

Via Nomentana, 62

00161 Roma

Tel: 06 44 186 223/228 - Fax 06 440 25 33


Generator fumes kill 17 at Nigeria prayer meeting

Generator fumes kill 17 at Nigeria prayer meeting

Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:12pm EDT

By Anamesere Igboeroteonwu

UMUAHIA, Nigeria (Reuters) - At least 17 people died at a prayer meeting in rural Nigeria after apparently breathing noxious fumes from their power generator while asleep, police and witnesses said on Wednesday.

The deaths highlight the worsening power crisis in Africa's top oil producer, where the near collapse of the national grid is forcing homes and businesses to turn to portable generators.

Much of Nigeria has no mains power for weeks at a time. The capacity of the world's eighth biggest oil exporter has plunged to less than 1,000 megawatts from 3,000 a year ago.

The victims fell asleep on Saturday in a locked room with the generator still running, police said. Their bodies were discovered and the incident reported on Tuesday.

"We are still investigating the cause of the deaths. But a power generating set was found in the hall where they slept, so we are not ruling out suffocation through carbon monoxide inhalation," police spokesman Ali Okechukwu said.

The family had gathered in a village in the Isiala-Ngwa district of Abia to pray for one of their own whom they said was being haunted by evil spirits.

Though Nigerians are very religious, many are highly superstitious and hold strong beliefs in voodoo, ghosts and witchcraft. One survivor, Linus Abba, said the victims were attacked by the evil spirits they were trying to exorcise.

"I heard strange noises and noticed that the room where we slept was filled with smoke, that is all I can remember because I fainted," Abba told Reuters. "It was a terrible attack by the forces of darkness that we came to fight."

By Anamesere Igboeroteonwu

UMUAHIA, Nigeria (Reuters) - At least 17 people died at a prayer meeting in rural Nigeria after apparently breathing noxious fumes from their power generator while asleep, police and witnesses said on Wednesday.

The deaths highlight the worsening power crisis in Africa's top oil producer, where the near collapse of the national grid is forcing homes and businesses to turn to portable generators.

Much of Nigeria has no mains power for weeks at a time. The capacity of the world's eighth biggest oil exporter has plunged to less than 1,000 megawatts from 3,000 a year ago.

The victims fell asleep on Saturday in a locked room with the generator still running, police said. Their bodies were discovered and the incident reported on Tuesday.

"We are still investigating the cause of the deaths. But a power generating set was found in the hall where they slept, so we are not ruling out suffocation through carbon monoxide inhalation," police spokesman Ali Okechukwu said.

The family had gathered in a village in the Isiala-Ngwa district of Abia to pray for one of their own whom they said was being haunted by evil spirits.

Though Nigerians are very religious, many are highly superstitious and hold strong beliefs in voodoo, ghosts and witchcraft. One survivor, Linus Abba, said the victims were attacked by the evil spirits they were trying to exorcise.

"I heard strange noises and noticed that the room where we slept was filled with smoke, that is all I can remember because I fainted," Abba told Reuters. "It was a terrible attack by the forces of darkness that we came to fight."

By Anamesere Igboeroteonwu

UMUAHIA, Nigeria (Reuters) - At least 17 people died at a prayer meeting in rural Nigeria after apparently breathing noxious fumes from their power generator while asleep, police and witnesses said on Wednesday.

The deaths highlight the worsening power crisis in Africa's top oil producer, where the near collapse of the national grid is forcing homes and businesses to turn to portable generators.

Much of Nigeria has no mains power for weeks at a time. The capacity of the world's eighth biggest oil exporter has plunged to less than 1,000 megawatts from 3,000 a year ago.

The victims fell asleep on Saturday in a locked room with the generator still running, police said. Their bodies were discovered and the incident reported on Tuesday.

"We are still investigating the cause of the deaths. But a power generating set was found in the hall where they slept, so we are not ruling out suffocation through carbon monoxide inhalation," police spokesman Ali Okechukwu said.

The family had gathered in a village in the Isiala-Ngwa district of Abia to pray for one of their own whom they said was being haunted by evil spirits.

Though Nigerians are very religious, many are highly superstitious and hold strong beliefs in voodoo, ghosts and witchcraft. One survivor, Linus Abba, said the victims were attacked by the evil spirits they were trying to exorcise.

"I heard strange noises and noticed that the room where we slept was filled with smoke, that is all I can remember because I fainted," Abba told Reuters. "It was a terrible attack by the forces of darkness that we came to fight."Generator fumes kill scores of people in Africa's most populous country of 140 million every year.



Il massaggio Shiatsu che si effettua tramite la pressione delle dita, dei palmi delle mani e dei piedi e dei gomiti su tutto il corpo, agisce sui punti energetici considerati dall'agopuntura. Stimola la circolazione sanguigna ed il flusso linfatico, agisce sul sistema nervoso allentando la tensione muscolare più profonda, rimuove le tossine dei tessuti, risveglia il sistema ormonale e sollecita la capacità di autoguarigione del corpo.


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