Monday, June 30, 2008

[NENWEONLINE] This tyrant is still kissing his wife while his people are dying in thousands!


The guy can kiss as many people (men and women) that would want to kiss him,We only ask him to allow accepted democracy take root in thet country.

I dare say that Mugabe may just be one of the worst dictators after Hitler but generally not too diffrent from many other leaders around now.

Read the message on this link which has attrated many private mails.


--- Dom 29/6/08, Jerry Stephens <> ha scritto:

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, right, is kissed by his ...


Upon all the people Mugabe's security forces killed during this election, he is still spending time kissing his wife who was featured going to South Africa on Shopping spree aboard Zimbabwean commercial aircraft she commandeered- - when the poorest people in that country are dying of starvation.


Sun Jun 29, 1:22 PM ET

21 of 84

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, right, is kissed by his wife Grace, at his inauguration ceremony at State House in Harare, Sunday, June, 29, 2008. Mugabe was sworn in following a run off election in which he was the sole candidate following the withdrawal of Morgan Tsvangirai, the main opposition leader in Zimbabwe.

(AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi)


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