Sunday, October 19, 2008


Someone may say I have been unfair, abused trust, or even infringed peoples privacy but I really was very curious.
In the recent period I have talked , debated, written with or even ‘spied’ on many Nigerian women, especially those overseas on some issues concerning their families and it is very curious their high levels of superstitious believes.

The ‘Christians’ (you know.. those who claimed to me they were in the dark for a long time) seem to be more superstitious.
One thing common in most of the ladies and two big questions I would like someone to assist me with answers are .
  • Why are all the witches troubling their families  are either ‘housemaids’ or mother-in-laws?

  • Why are  mothers not witches to their daughters but may chose to witch hunt their son’s families?

  • There are a lot of other questions that may seem to be somehow banal or simple or banal , but I am still to understand them

  • Why is it that the ‘NEW CHRISTIANS’ are highly hunted by witches and are very much afraid of them to the point that most prayer periods are focused on calling on other powers to fight the witches (mostly mother-in laws)’
  • Can someone help ?


  1. Charlie, honestly am as much perplexed as you are on the issue of witchcraft in Africa, especially Nigeria even in the 21st Century. In fact I'm currently researching this topic and hope to have my paper ready before the end of the year. So far, I can tell you that nearly everyone I have spoken to on this matter, including some Catholic priests, seem to believe in the existence of witches. - Mike

  2. The reason is simmple, there are people that will pray for you to hount these witches away in exchange of money, if you believe in those "spiritual" people it's their interest to let you believe that witches are around you.
    For example Buddists don't believe in devil and in their society a phenomenon like devil's possession doesn't simple exist.
    by the way I really love and appreciate my Nigeran mother in law

  3. I thought many people would have commnted this piece on witchcraft, I'm deeply disappointed, it means that all too many nigerians believe in it.
    Middle-ages has finished long time ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. @Mike: I cannot wait more to read anything from you. Get me informed i whatever way it comes out.
    @anonymous: I agree with you. Just atten any of these 'New churches' you will come out with the impresion that you attended a witch hunting session by one 'babalawo' in a middle age village.
    @Simona; you are always very implusive. I understand your frustration, coooool down. You might be wrong also in your generalization on Nigerians . this is just a blog read by few persons.

  5. You cannot make Nigerians not to believe in witchcrafts. Nobody dies naturally there... there must be someone somewhere who caused the death of anyone.
