Friday, September 12, 2008

Agrigento: italiane scacciano nigeriane, "Seducono i nostri uomini"

ENGLISH SUMMARY: Italians send Nigerians (girls) packing..."They seduce our men"

The seven Nigerian immigrants(females) aged between 16 and 17, guests of a local humanitarian association were transfered from Parlemo to another center in Agrigento. The minors were transfered with a Police van. The mayor of the town and directors of the center say they do not know anything about this.
Traanslated/summarized by Chukwubike O Charles

Agrigento: italiane scacciano nigeriane, "Seducono i nostri uomini"

11 set 19:42 Cronache

PALERMO - Novelle "Bocche di Rosa" scacciate da Santa Margherita Belice, il paese del Gattopardo, perche' secondo le donne del luogo, seducevano i loro uomini. Le sette immigrate nigeriane, tra i 16 e i 17 anni, ospiti di un'associazione umanitaria, sono state trasferite in un altro centro dell'agrigentino. Le minorenni sono state portate via su auto della polizia. Il sindaco e la responsabile del centro dicono pero' di non saperne nulla. (Agr){114AF158-2764-439F-9939-257A5E9F5C9E}


  1. wow...tot the era of child trafficking had finished...

  2. @Afrobabe :
    Unfortunately,it is far from being finished my sister.
    Nigerians and Romanians especially are still high on that ride.
    The problem is that these girls also lie to the police and some of us in the immigration projects about their date of birth. Everyone would claim to be above 18 but after two questions during a colloquium her real age comes out.
    My ten years experience in the anti trafficking/prostitution projects tells me we have a long way to go, but if we all join hands in all ways we can to fight this horrible phenomenon things may change faster.
    Just entered Rome from a
    an out post work in an Island near Libya.... horrifying flight.. God!!!!!
