You were the truest,dearest
More than a mother to me
You heard God's whisper Calling you home,you didn't want to leave us,
We saw your fight,
You loved us so much that you held us so tight,
Until all your strength was gone and you could no longer hold on 😢
Finally you gave your hand to God and slipped away quietly without telling us bye😖

My mind still talks to you
My heart still looks for you
My soul knows you're at peace
I cannot and would not say that you are dead...
You're just away
With a cheery smile and a wave of hand, you have wandered into heaven..
We had a wonderful mother
One who never really grew old
A helping hand for others needs
To a beautiful life comes a happy end
She died as she lived
Everyone's friend 😢
It's been 2 years now
Keep resting in the lords bosom mom
We love you 💕